Illamasqua in Singapore?

illamasqua logo

I’m not sure if this is premature but Illamasqua is likely to be opening here in Singapore.

This news is thanks to a makeup artist friend who alerted me to an employment website advertising for Illamasqua positions here. It seems that the brand will be brought in by Central Trading Co., Ltd, the same company that runs the popular chain of Central department stores in Thailand.

The counter (boutique?) will apparently be at Robinsons – I’m guessing the new Robinsons Orchard @ The Heeren.

The nearest Illamasqua counters to Singapore are currently in Bangkok (Zen, as well as the Central stores including Central Chidlom), so it’s good to know that the products will finally be close enough to touch.

I love the all-inclusive, anything-goes philosophy of the brand; surely a giddying injection of unusual creativity into our local makeup scene.

While it is heartening to know that the beauty landscape of our sunny island will welcome yet another cult brand, I only hope the prices are kind to us, else it might just make more economic sense to order the products from the online store which holds periodic sales. We’ll see!


  • Sara says:

    Woots! So exciting!

  • I LOVE Illamasqua! I have been ordering frequently from the website for a year now, and also reviewed several of their products. I crazy love their black eyeshadow – dare swear it is the blackest black. And darn, their blushes are to-die-for, comparable, and possibly better than NARS.

    haha, and I believe you know what I mean. =D Cheers to amazing cosmetics coming our way!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi PostivelyNice,

      The news re: Illamasqua has been confirmed, so YAY! :) Thanks for the rec! I look forward to checking out the black eyeshadow. The blackest black shadow I’ve ever used is from Stars Makeup Haven called Unzipped.

      I need more blushes from Illamasqua but the pieces I want are not always in stock. I’m hoping the next time they have an additional discount for MAs that everything I want is available. ;)

  • val says:

    think i saw illamasqua products in sephora?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Val,

      Oh, in which section? I didn’t see it when I was there today but I might have missed it. Sephora in the US does carry the brand; not sure about here.

  • Jacqueline says:

    That is very exciting news Mag, I am lemming some of the blushes especially Lover.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Jac,

      I need Kate – it was always out of stock somehow when I wanted it.

      • Rachel says:

        I wanted kate( or is it Katie?) too but it looks really pale. Is it ok for an nc25ish skin tone? Thanks so much!:) love this blog:D

        • makeupmag says:

          Hi Rachel,

          Thank you! :)

          I want Katie too! There was a recent additional discount for makeup artists but I didn’t take the plunge as a couple of items I’d wanted were out of stock. I can’t really comment as I haven’t tried it on my face but it swatched visibly on my skin when I tested it in Bangkok. (I’m usually a mix of 20 and 30 in many foundies.) :)

  • Amanda says:

    Oh my, I hope your source is right! I love illamasqua and I do certainly hope the prices are pocket friendly :/ Thanks for the post!

  • Irma Niza says:

    Any idea when exactly are they opening and if Julian and Alex are going to be at the opening?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Irma,

      I’m not sure – I haven’t heard anything about their presence. A friend mentioned that the opening might well be on 18 October 2013 but the PR company says it could be pushed back.

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