Nars Schiap Lipstick and the Yoon Eun Hye Effect

Nars Semi-Matte Lipstick in Schiap Close Up

Word has it that there’s a waiting list of more than 2,000 in South Korea alone, for Nars Semi Matte Lipstick in Schiap.

Yoon Eun Hye in Nars Schiap Light Stain Yoon Eun Hye in Nars Schiap Stain
Yoon Eun Hye in Nars Schiap Full On Yoon Eun Hye in Nars Schiap Creamy

This is all thanks to Korean actress Yoon Eun Hye, who wears the hot pink lipstick in her recent K-drama Missing You, carrying it off beautifully. Her pretty looks, together with her star power (she’s known for selling out products in a flash), no doubt account for the lippy shortage.

Nars Semi Matte Lipstick in Schiap Swatch

A vibrant fuchsia, this striking blue-based pink is creamily intense but can be sheered out to become a flattering stain, as you can see from the screenshots. I also love how it has a subtle sheen.

Here’s a video in Korean, discussing the ‘Yoon Eun Hye Lipstick’ and the endorsement power of a superstar. The quirks of Korean broadcasting are such that the program cannot reveal the brand (though it’s clear to us all), so bear with the censoring of the brand’s name and the poor attempt to blur the logo.Nars Schiaps

I’m not sure if it’s the spillover effect from the sudden surge in demand but it’s apparently sold out in the States too. I’ve been told that it’s ‘globally out of stock’ and won’t be replenished so quickly. Luckily for us here in Singapore, we’ve just received a Schiap shipment (as well as its deeper counterpart, Funny Face, which had been sold out like forever) – probably because it was already on its way here while all the frenzy was going on!

So what I’m saying is this: Get it while you can, while it’s still available here, since it’s going to take a long time before the next batch ships in. ;)

Elsa Schiaparelli

Makeup trivia: Schiap is named after couturier Elsa Schiaparelli, whose signature colour is – you’ve guessed it – shocking pink.

Watercolour by Vertes for the Launch of the Shocking de Schiaparelli Lipstick Paris Pink

In fact, she had a makeup line herself.

Nars Semi-Matte Lipstick in Schiap Visual

François Nars was so fascinated by her eccentric collaborations with various artists that he created his own beauty tribute to the designer in 1998, in the form of this vivid pink lipstick, whose inspiration came from an original Shocking by Schiaparelli loose powder box that a friend had found at a flea market.

Awesome, no? I love beauty nuggets like these!


  • Jacqueline says:

    It is always interesting to hear the story behind a particular colour. Schiap looks absolutely gorgeous but I’m worried I won’t be able to pull it off. That Korean actress really rocked it though. I want lips and a complexion like hers too. :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Jac,

      I love beauty trivia! The origins of Schiap = interesting; love the fact that it centres on an electric pink. :) I think we can pull it off, one way or another; it just depends on how we wear it/what we wear it with. :) Hey, you have lovely lips, ok! (We can all aspire to that complexion, though – Korean ladies have such milky skin!)

  • stella says:

    the color i very flattering but as shown in the bottom left photo, looks pretty scary if too much is layered on eeps. the bottom right photo is better

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Stella,

      I know what you mean! ;) Interestingly, I think the level of intensity reflects her mindset/emotions/circumstances at different points in the story.

  • Sam says:

    That’s really interesting! I don’t own this colour – may have do to a raid at (gulp) Aussie prices!

  • Sara says:

    I love how it seems to shift in color depending on the lighting (and also how she wears it)! Definitely something interesting to have in the stash!

  • effortgirl says:

    I was wondering why she seemed so familiar. I wiki-ed her and realised I watched her in Coffee Prince! It’s fab how the colour can change from a stain-like hue to super intense.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Effortgirl, I love, love Coffee Prince! It’s one of my favourite K-dramas. The OST is incredible too – an excellent mix of indie and mainstream to reflect the different moods in the story. She did a good job with the characterisation. I particularly admire her for not being afraid to look ugly. And Gong Yoo; can we just say hot?! ;)

      Yes, this is quite a versatile lippy. For something similar but shinier and more moist, try the new Satin Lip Pencil in Yu!

  • Stella Gan says:

    Once i read this article, i rushed out yesterday (020413) to get it! I saw a woman bought 2 of this upon entering the shop! The color is awesome on Asian skin! I tried the Satin Lip pencil in Yu! It is a brighter version ( ur words: shinier and more moist) . Maybe i should get a backup of it????!!!!!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Stella,

      If you love it, buy a backup because new stock won’t be coming in for quite a while. :) Yu is gorgeous. If you love Schiap, you’ll love Yu more because it’s less drying. :)

  • Alicia says:

    Went out and bought this today after watching i miss you! It is still very available in australia! Heaps of stock surprisingly. So happy with it. I also have the colour carthage, they look very similar… Hopefully i made the right decision in getting schiap as well, because they’re super expensive here!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Alicia,

      Awesome that stock’s aplenty in Oz! I’m sure the Korean ladies clamouring for it are in despair (and if any of them reads this, they might call in a favour from Australian pals? ;)). A 2,000-strong waiting list – can you believe that? Goes to show how influential YEH is. Amazing. I almost bought Carthage but it sits on that level of warmth that I don’t veer towards. However, I might just buy it on a whim to complete my Nars pinks! It could be out of stock here, though; iirc. You did good getting Schiap – again, there’s a looooooong waiting list for it in South Korea. Those 2,000+ ladies can’t all be wrong, right? ;)

  • Elle's Room says:

    One thing confuses me is that in some other blogs claim that MAC electric pink was the one Yoon eun hye wearing. Which one is true?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Elle,

      Nars is mentioned in the video, though it’s not subtitled; so I’m not sure if the lady is the official makeup artist for YEH. I believe the MAC lipstick only came out after the drama (the Mineralize one). Even Shu Uemura is jumping on the bandwagon – they claim one of their lippies was used. :P I still think it’s Nars though – why else would there be a worldwide shortage? ;)

  • Glenna says:

    May I know how much does this particular lipstick costs in Singapore? :)

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