Urban Decay Naked Basics at Sephora Singapore

Urban Decay Naked Basics Case

New to the Urban Decay Naked family is Naked Basics, a mostly-matte palette comprising 6 neutral eyeshadows.

Urban Decay Naked Basics Open

The nude hues and softly-matte texture are great for effortless contouring and your-eye-but-better looks. Not only can you create ‘the perfect neutral matte eye’ with this palette, you can build upon and blend the versatile colours for stronger and smokier looks too. Moreover, the browns and beiges make good brow/brow gradation colours.

Urban Decay Naked Basics Swatches

In the palette are 6 x 1.3 g eyeshadows in:

Venus – A cool ivory. The brand describes it as a ‘soft, off-white demi-matte’ but it carries shimmer and has a clear sheen.

Foxy – A matte pale yellow ivory.

W.O.S/Walk of Shame – A matte pale pink nude.

Naked 2 – A matte taupe with a rosy grey overtone.

Faint – A matte café au lait, a dusty warm brown.

Crave – A matte black that’s half a shade lighter than Blackout, the black in the original Naked palette. It also seems to carry a hint of deep brown.

Of the 6, Venus, Naked 2, Faint and Crave are new shades exclusive to this palette.

As you can tell from the swatches, Foxy and W.O.S disappear on my skin; they’re ‘no-colour colours’, so to speak. Ironic, given their conspicuous namesakes! ;) They’re ideal for evening out my skintone and work well on the under-eye area too.

Urban Decay Naked Basics Display at Sephora SG

A sleek rubberised compact (more suede-like than Nars packaging) with a metallic embossed name, this slim palette fits easily in the palm of my hand and looks almost travel-sized (the shadow pans are full-sized, though).

UD Naked Basics Palettes at Sephora SG

In Singapore, it retails at S$42 and is available at Sephora stores island-wide.

Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette

I’ll be at Sephora Ion Orchard this Sunday (3 February 2013, 4-5 pm), together with my blogging friends Joey and Sophia, to demonstrate the uses of this palette. Do visit the store and come say hi!

Urban Decay Naked Naked 2 Naked Basics

As a treat for our readers, Sephora will offer a complimentary goody bag to the first 60 readers who purchase Naked 1, Naked 2 or Naked Basics.

Urban Decay Naked Blog Readers’ Exclusive Visual for GWP Redemption

This gift-with-purchase UD TSA bag will contain a deluxe-sized Urban Decay Supercurl Mascara, a travel-sized Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil, a smart sample of Urban Decay Naked Skin and a smart sample of Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

Simply store the photo above in your phone (or other mobile devices) and flash the image when you make payment.

Urban Decay Naked 1 Naked 2 Naked Basics

Customers who purchase any of the 3 palettes will also receive an express Naked eye makeover and free instant photo print-outs. In addition, the first 150 customers to purchase S$120 and above of Urban Decay products will receive a free gift from the brand.

I hope to see you there! :)


  • Jacqueline says:

    Between the 3 palettes which one do you like best. I own the first one but didn’t pick up Naked 2 because I thought it was too cool for me.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Jac,

      Sorry for the late, late reply. I only just found time to respond at leisure! Among the 3, I’d say I like Naked 2 the best because it has a balance of warm and cool tones. But Naked Basics is an effortless compact on its own. Love how it gives the eyes a refined finished look in an instant. I think you can carry off cool colours! Do give them a go (pair them with your cooler reds for more uniformity).

  • Sam says:

    Have a lovely time! The price is quite reasonable (I always say that don’t I – but the cosmetic markup in Australia is huge!) Please do post pics of the looks you create!

    • makeupmag says:

      Thanks Sam!

      I wasn’t going to do it at first but I thought it’d be great to spend some time with my friend whom I worked on. We had a blast catching up and chit-chatting while all the commotion was going on, ha! Do purchase yours when you come by! :D

  • Jen Long says:

    Hi mags,

    Afraid I couldn’t make it for the event this afternoon. Are the goodie bags still available if I buy the Naked Basics palette tomorrow? Thanks

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Jen,

      Sorry for the late reply; I only just got to my comments area. They’re while stocks last, from what I know. Hope you managed to get one! :)

  • silvia says:

    May I know.. is there still available for naked2 in sephora singapore?

  • Caramelmort says:

    Hi do u do makeup tutorials? It would be so kewl…!

  • Lwin says:

    singapore location please.

  • Lwin says:

    i would like to buy naked makeup pownder. where should i get these?

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