Urban Decay Vice Palette Singapore Pre-Launch

My makeup artist friend Larry Yeo has just informed me that there will be a pre-launch event for the much-anticipated Urban Decay Vice Palette.

Eric Jimenez – the delightfully-effervescent Global Makeup Artist for the brand – will be present, together with Larry and Ginger Lynette (another well-known Singapore makeup artist), to demonstrate different ways to use the Vice Palette.

Do visit Sephora at Ion Orchard on 6 October 2012 (this Saturday!) between 2 and 6 pm, to purchase the palette and pick up some tips from them. In Singapore, this beauty is priced at S$88.

And here’s something sweet, just for this one-day-only pre-launch: Customers will receive a gift-with-purchase when they spend more than S$120 on Urban Decay products, including the Vice Palette. As with previous UD gwps, it’s filled with popular UD goodies.

Mark your calendar, if you’d like to get your hands on this colourful gem before it officially launches here in November 2012. ;)


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