Shiseido Maquillage True Rouge for Spring 2012

New to the Shiseido Maquillage makeup range is True Rouge, lipsticks that promise to impart moisture and shine, as well as colour fidelity.

Created with a patent-pending formula, these lipsticks melt at body temperature for glossy colour. Not only do they contain super hyaluronic acid, collagen and other humectants to provide and retain moisture, they also promise to brighten lip tone with micro-circulation ingredients.

Below are swatches of the 12 wearable lipsticks in the range. I couldn’t do swatches because I was carrying the little one but dear Joey kindly allowed me to take photos of her arm swatches. :)

The lipsticks in this set are labelled ‘Elegant Colors’.

L-R: RD 337, PK214, PK315, RD370, RS571, RD582

BE748 (first one from the left) is the brand’s ‘Multi-Fit Color’ (aka suitable for all), while the rest in this set are labelled ‘Natural Colors’.

L-R: BE711, RD712, RS749, BE213, PK726, BE748

In Singapore, they retail at S$49 and will be part of the Maquillage permanent range.

Image source: Shiseido Singapore


  • Moni says:

    All the colors look very nice and wearable without being too strong.
    Liking it very much. Thanks for the introduction :)

    All though I must say they are bit pricey..

  • Jan says:

    these are really beautiful! BE748 and RD337 are already on my wishlist :)

  • stella says:

    the colors look so similar and sheer, it doesn’t really make much sense from a marketing perspective. in any case, i’ll get it coz i love shiseido lipsticks

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Moni,

    I hope you managed to find it at duty-free (I’m not sure if the brand is carried there, though). :)

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Jan,

    I love Maquillage lipsticks. The new formulas get better and better. :)

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Stella,

    I get where you’re coming from! I succumb easily to the lure of pretty and functional makeup too, heh.

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