To discourage the use of plastic and paper bags, Tangs is currently offering 800 shopping bags for sale. Made of 100% bamboo, these reusable totes are printed with the familiar World Wide Fund (WWF) panda logo and come with a classy Tangs tag. Each bag is priced at S$10 and will be available until 31 March 2012.
Tangs will match the sale of each bag and will donate a total of S$8000 to the WWF, if every single bag is sold.
The sale of these eco-friendly bags is in conjunction with this year’s ‘I Will If You Will’ Earth Hour campaign. Do support this effort. :)
This year, the store will not be offering shopping vouchers for empty containers. However, a few beauty brands such as Enavose, Intelligent Nutrients and Jurlique will be giving vouchers and products of their own, when you bring your empties to their counters at Tangs Orchard and VivoCity.
You can visit the Tangs website for more Tangs Green Effort promotions.
interesting initiative! happy earth hour! :) I’ll be doing my part by switching off all my devices for an hour later tonight!
Hello Mei,
I had fun one year playing board games with my kids in the dark. :D