L’Oréal Color Infaillible Eyeshadows

Besides the Color Riche Lipsticks that I’d just written about, the L’Oréal L’Or collection also sees the introduction of the Color Infaillible Eyeshadows to Singapore.

Already wildly popular in Europe and parts of North America, these are commonly recognised as drugstore dupes of the gorgeous Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill range, thanks to the similarities in packaging and texture.

I was taken aback by the erroneous spelling on the label of these shadows at first (the word infallible has no ‘i’ in it) but their sparkle and sheen, not to mention their smooth texture, eclipsed this boo-boo.

As it turns out, the joke’s on me – ‘infaillible’ is actually French. All I can say is I’m not infallible! ;)

These gorgeous shadows are so attractive that the Watsons shelves were wiped clean of them at one point – the store happened to have a promotion on them (buy 2 and receive 1 free). For a while, they were also out of stock at Guardian (which wasn’t running any promotion on them), thanks to their affordable price tag of S$14.90.

It seems like only four are actually part of the L’Or collection in France: 021 Sahara Treasure, 023 Black Star, 024 Bronze Divine and 27 Goldmine. Interestingly, the collection also has nail polish (one or more, I’m not sure) as indicated in this photo from Vogue France.

I purchased 023 Black Onyx (Black Star renamed) after hunting it down and the brand kindly sent me 022 Emerald Lamé and 024 Bronze Goddess (Bronze Divine renamed) to try.

Like the GA ETKs, they are a hybrid of powder and cream.

Each jar also comes with a flat plastic stopper.

They not only have a velvety-luxe texture, their shimmer and shine will also stoke a sparkle lover’s makeup flames. I’m very impressed by this lot!

These shadows have since been restocked at the drugstores but don’t hesitate too long as they are limited edition and truly value-for-money.

Beauty by poc has excellent photos of the L’Or Color Infaillible shadows.

Makeup & Macaroons has lovely swatches of some of the ones available in the UK.

MACnunu has gorgeous photos of the ones in Canada.

Sakura Lovely has an almost-comprehensive collection of these shadows and my beauty pal Iris of Rouge Deluxe has also written an extensive post about them, making a good comparison between them and the GA ETK versions.

Do check out their blogs for more information on these pretty shadow lovelies. :)

Image source: L’Oréal Paris and Vogue France


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