Breast Self-Examinations & Estée Lauder Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign 2011

Boobs, tits, jugs – call them what you will, our mammary glands have meaning to us; be it nutritive or sexual. Whether they nurture babies or enhance our womanly form, our breasts are a part of our bodies that cannot be ignored.

From my point of view as a nursing mummy, our boobs are awesome – not only are they able to completely nourish our babies in the first year of their lives (imagine the volume of milk that they’re capable of generating!), they encourage bonding and are an excellent parenting tool for calming babies.

Unfortunately, they are also extremely susceptible to the bane of the past century – cancer.

To minimise the harm that breast cancer can cause, we should conduct monthly breast self-examinations. Above are the steps to conducting BSEs, as they are commonly known.

Nursing mothers will have to be even more observant of breast changes, given that swollen or blocked milk ducts can be mistaken for unusual lumps. When in doubt, do consult a doctor. This advice from a lactation consultant is particularly useful.

It might sound like a tired phrase but it’s indisputable – early detection can save lives.

The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) are a strong BCA proponent and have done much to further the cause. This year, besides contributing to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), the ELC will be collaborating with the Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF) in Singapore to sponsor 500 needy women, aged 40 and above, with free mammograms. :)

Last year in October – the Breast Cancer Awareness month – the ELC illuminated several global landmarks in pink to advocate breast health and early detection. You can see more of these lit landmarks here.

This year, Estée Lauder Singapore and Mrs Mary Tan, the First Lady of Singapore, will be illuminating the Singapore Flyer in the same colour on 1 October 2011 at 8.15 pm. The 165-metre tall structure will stand as an international symbol of hope that aims to empower and enlighten women everywhere.

In addition to the standard Pink Ribbon pin, a Pink Ribbon wristlet – the latest breast health awareness symbol featuring an elastic single-knot tie – will be given out at the public event (only a limited number are available, though).

It’s a dramatic gesture and a memorable one. However, more important than the illumination is the awareness that the event hopes to generate. To that end, do encourage the women around you – grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, pals, colleagues – to conduct BSEs or be examined professionally. :)

Image source: Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon, Breast Cancer Foundation and Singapore Flyer

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