Review | Cosme Decorte AQMW Massage Cream

To commemorate Cosme Decorte’s 40th anniversary, Kosé has launched AQMW (short for Absolute Quality Miracle Wonder). With a new moisturising ingredient known as mucinsome and the inclusion of sandalwood to soothe the mind, AQMW seeks to bring skin regeneration and relaxation to the discerning woman.

When I first received this Cosme Decorte AQMW facial massage cream from Kosé, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew such a product exists in several Japanese skincare ranges but hadn’t used it personally, though I’ve experienced massage creams during a few Japanese-style facials I’ve been for.

A little sceptical at first (couldn’t a moisturiser do the same, I’d asked myself), I was pleasantly surprised to find tactile pleasure in using this delightfully emollient cream. Its lubricating feature allows me to apply pressure on facial areas to stimulate blood circulation and really, paired with the calming yet uplifting scent (it reminds me of the fragrance of Ponds Cold Cream with an edge of mysterious sandalwood), it’s as relaxing as you make it to be with your hand/finger strokes.

For me, this functions as a massage cream and moisturiser rolled into one. After massaging my face, I would gently remove the excess cream on my face with tissue, according to the brand’s instructions. I don’t wipe it off vigorously and would leave the remnants to moisturise my skin.

I’ve used this massage cream on several consecutive nights to test if it’d clog my pores or cause breakouts. Happily, I discover that my skin is clear and always supple upon waking…be it after a night’s rest with or without the air-conditioner turned on. Interestingly, it promises to remove sebum from pores and it certainly seems to do that – less sebum is extracted from my nose area when I clear my pores. So thrilled I was with the results that I’d text Iris in the mornings to tell her about it! ;)

And in answer to the question I’d asked myself earlier: No, I don’t think a regular moisturiser could perform the same – after all, moisturisers are meant to be absorbed and not moved around on facial planes. I’ve actually tried to work with different face moisturisers to massage my face but they don’t work for the most part.

This product is undeniably pricey (S$153 for 93 g) but if you want to pamper your skin and love how a manual facial massage feels, this would be a lovely product to own.

The textured design of intertwined shoots and flowers, conceived by world-renowned designer Marcel Wanders (whose name, in a happy coincidence, bears the same initials as Miracle Wonder), also adds interest to the packaging and is aesthetically-pleasing on a beauty counter-top.

Image source: Kosé Singapore


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