New Nature Republic Products

A while back, Nature Republic sent me a surprise gift box.

Filled with several of their latest products, this beauty trove occupied me for a while!

Naturally, the makeup caught my eye first. In the box were six baked eyeshadows.

Quaintly named ‘Olive Cooking Dual Shadow’, these baked duos (S$16.50 each) look like wearable shadows with their complementary shades. I like the curved clear lids which add a touch of interest to the split pans.

Click on the photo to see them up close!

The company also included two different types of nail polishes. The glitter ones are very striking – the small multi-coloured sparkle flakes are hexagonal (!), much like the ones in Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe.

The metallic ones look like the older polishes in the range, only repackaged.

New to the brand’s mask range is Fruits Mousse Therapy Pore Tightening Orange Mousse Pack (S$24.40). Containing orange extract and honey, this mousse mask promises to revitalise skin, as well as regulate sebum production to improve skin tone and texture. I’m quite curious about its ‘slowly-melting’ foam which the brand says will help remove dead skin cells.

Inside the box was also Herb Dressing Lavender Cleansing Gel Cream (S$16.50), a gentle gel cleanser.

Tucked at the back of the box was Herblier Lip & Eye Cleansing Tissue, a packet of wipes for eye/lip makeup removal. I tried a sheet on Sunday and was pleasantly surprised by how easily it took off waterproof pencil makeup on my waterline (this tends to be the most stubborn on me, aside from waterproof mascara).

Lastly, I found Herblier Mascara Remover (S$10.80), a bottle of bi-phase mascara remover. I haven’t tried it but was quite taken by its pretty aqua shade, reminiscent of a tropical ocean.

Like many Korean brands available in Singapore, Nature Republic has a nice range of products. However, its prices seem more reasonable than most Korean beauty establishments here, without compromising on quality. As such, it’s always a pleasure exploring the brand. :)


  • TheUndercoverGypsy says:

    Hey Mag! All the products look very promising – I’ve enjoyed exploring the NR brand too – love the packaging and the reasonable pricing is always a plus. I’ve really liked their sunblock, which is now a staple on my dresser.
    Your new stash now makes me want to check our more of their goodies ;)

  • Kas says:

    The orange mousse looks so interesting and why why why must you show the glitter polishes? Now I have to make a trip to check them out! LOL!

  • Jolie says:

    Where is the nature republic locate at?

  • jlie says:

    OMG the box is sooooo pretty, and generous, so have you used the Fruits Mousse Therapy Pore Tightening Orange Mousse Pack (woa long name ^^;) can you give me your opinion on it pretty please~~~ coz i want to buy it and i need to know if it’s worth buying.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Jlie,

      Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to try it yet; I’ve been overwhelmed with products to review lately.

  • Amelia says:

    Hi Mag, what’s your opinion on the olive cooking dual shadows? Are there any of the six that you wouldn’t recommend? Thanks :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Amelia,

      I haven’t had the chance to try any of them yet but for the most part, Korean baked makeup is rather good!

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