NOTD | Zoya Ki + NfuOh 52

As you all know, I’m not a nail blogger, so please excuse the clumsily-held polishes and the even clumsier shot (not to mention the less-than-precise nail edges)! :)

Trust me, though, when I say NfuOh 52 is one of the prettiest flakey polishes out there. Turquoise flakes suspended in purply-inky blue gel, this polish lifts an old manicure in an instant. I’d had Zoya Ki on my nails before I applied the NfuOh and though I liked the duo-chromed purple/greened bronze, I was sick of it after three days. What better way to spiff it up than with a beautiful flakey? ;)

I reckon the sparkle would pop even more with a glossier overcoat but I knew I’d typing to do, so I chose to use Poshé Super-Fast Drying Topcoat, which, though excellent in drying a manicure, doesn’t give as laminated a finish as I like.


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