A Gift! – Shiseido Water in Lip Lip Balm in Sakura

Isn’t this a beautiful lip balm? A friend was in Japan recently and had bought this for me as a souvenir.

As can be expected from Shiseido, the packaging of the slim tube is pretty and classy – I particularly like the font of the product name and the understated cherry blossom image.

According to online retailers, this 3.5 g lipbalm contains spa water from Italy (w0w!) and has hyaluronic acid to hydrate dry lips. It apparently also contains cherry blossom powder to impart a light pink colour to the lips.

I’ve only used it once and could feel its soothing effect immediately. I didn’t really see the pink on my lips but I do concede that they looked more even, thanks to the balm. In addition, there was the barest hint of shimmer and a subtle minty after-feel, which I love. Unfortunately, although it is lightweight, it left a somewhat waxy feel; I’m hoping it wears off with prolonged usage (I only had it on for about ten minutes). This balm does have quite a few positive reviews on Makeup Alley, so I’m looking forward to using more of it. :)


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