Review | Majolica Majorca Eyes Reset Gel

While I was at Shiseido Singapore previewing the Shiseido Autumn 2010 collection, I happened to see the new Majolica Majorca Eyes Reset Gel (S$9.90/30 ml). I wanted to try out one of the new SMK concealers, so I removed my under-eye makeup using the gel and was pleasantly surprised when a smidgeon cleaned off the makeup in a flash.

According to Shiseido, it was formulated to remove the tenacious Majolica Majorca mascaras, famed for their budge-proof quality. I thought the name was cute; I like the word ‘reset’. Now, if only something could reset my eyes to its pre-wrinkle state! ;)

Thanks to Shiseido’s generosity, I was able to take a tube home. I tried it on the Kiss Me Heroine  Make Long & Curl Mascara I have been using lately to see if it really works – the mascaras from this brand last longer on me than MJ’s (believe me, they can last for more than eleven solid hours and nary a smudge you’ll see!), so this was a true test of the gel’s ability.

True to its promise, the gel easily removes the mascara. It takes a few cotton buds to remove the product entirely but it effortlessly comes off the lashes, transferring immediately to the cotton tips. (I reckon it would’ve come off more quickly if I’d used a cotton pad but my poor eyes need a little more TLC). I must say I am somewhat impressed, considering how cheap the gel is. The best thing? It removes the mascara without stinging my eyes at all.

In the photo above, I used Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Neo to demonstrate the gel’s efficacy. I applied the gel after I’d let the the mascara set. It dissolved the mascara very quickly and I was able to wipe it off my skin cleanly. As you might’ve guessed, the gel has an emollient and oily texture.

I usually clean off my makeup with a cleansing oil (fast and effective!) but this is something to consider if you use separate cleansers. I usually pair this gel with a makeup remover like Hada Labo SHA Makeup Remover, which doesn’t remove budge-proof eye makeup.


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