Writing about my Bourjois blush whose pan fell out of the pot reminded me that the same thing happened to my first MAC Mineralize Skinfinish, Porcelain Pink. I’d swapped for it on Makeup Alley in 2005 and when it arrived, the pan came cleanly off the pot, despite the box having been packaged securely.
It was quite an eye-opener for me and I discovered how the terracotta base of most baked makeup looks. I can’t recall if the base says ‘Baked in Italy’ or ‘Made in Italy’ but it certainly bears the name of that country known for producing baked cosmetics.
I eventually used double-sided tape to attach the pan to the pot, gently pressing the dome downwards. Foolhardy, now that I come to think of it; these MSFs are fragile! Thankfully, it didn’t cave in. I don’t use Porcelain Pink as often as I did Lightscapade but I’m seeing substantial pan at last. When I finally finish it, I will lift the pan to see what its terracotta base says! ;)