我的美丽日记 My Beauty Diary Masks in Japanese Cherry Blossom and Bulgarian White Rose

I recently came across this box of 我的美丽日记 My Beauty Diary (MBD) facial masks at Watsons. MBD masks are popular across the world and though I’d admit this played a part in my purchasing them, I couldn’t resist the soothing yet whimsical images on the box either. ;)

In two top-selling formulas, sakura and Bulgarian white rose, these masks apparently moisturise, whiten and soothe the skin. I’ve used the Japanese cherry blossom one and like its pleasant scent. Although the mask does leave a sticky residue post-use, the stickiness left by morning and  my skin looked clearer. Hooray for an effective mask!

Each box contains 11 pieces of each formulation – 22 sachets altogether! I love how substantial they feel in the pack; the brand certainly does not stinge on the mask material or the serum. (The material can tear a little though, as I unfortunately discovered while trying to shift it.)

Ordinarily S$32.90, Watsons Card members can purchase each box at S$27.90, which translates to less than S$1.30.mask! There’s also another set with masks in Strawberry Yoghurt and Mixed Berry.

Image sources: Watsons Singapore and My Beauty Diary

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