Review | Kiss Me Heroine Make Essence in BB Cream SPF30 PA++

Encased in a simple plastic squeeze tube, this BB cream from Heroine Make still manages to look attractive, thanks to its print and fuchsia cap. Its 25g tube is smaller than most BB creams but the diminutive size can be handy.

Given to me to review by the people at Kiss Me Singapore, it surprised me with its texture. Most BB creams tend to be either heavy (Skinfood BB creams) or a tad too thin (Etude House BB Magic Cream) in texture but this one doesn’t have those problems. It feels just right and I get adequate coverage without cakiness…proof that the Japanese really know their stuff!

According to the brand, this bb cream:

  • Covers blemishes (freckles, spots)

It does this to some extent but I would still suggest a separate concealer, if you have darker spots. My pigmentation dots are not fully covered by this BB cream (I don’t usually conceal them anyway, so this doesn’t bother me).

  • Hides unsightly pores

It does seem to make pores more refined, sinking into them without emphasising them.

  • Absorbs excess sebum, preventing unwanted shine

I’m fairly certain it does this for me (see my photo and explanation below).

  • Prevents dryness

My skin feels dewy with this on but it doesn’t make me oil up. Perhaps this is because it adequately moisturises my skin? (I use it directly on my skin; no prepping with primer or moisturiser)

  • Prevents sunburn

SPF 30 PA++ is great to have! I love base products that contain sunscreen.

  • Provides high coverage in a light texture

Although the product feels light, I would peg its coverage as medium. It can also be layered for higher coverage, albeit thinly. I am not fond of the thick texture typical of many BB creams – they tend not to go on smoothly and sometimes skip on application. As such, I’m truly impressed with the light texture and emollience of the Heroine Make version. I also love that despite its lightness and smoothness, the product doesn’t compromise on coverage, unlike some of the more thinly-textured BB creams in the market.

  • C0ntains hyaluronic acid and collagen

I can’t verify this but it’s good to know there’s a powerful humectant in it! ;)

Despite its great colour (a natural yellow tone that is a reprieve from the usual ashy/grey tone that many BB creams carry), the shade is unfortunately a tad light for my MAC NC 25 skintone. I reckon that it will suit NC 20 girls perfectly though. It only normalised somewhat for me towards the middle of the day, thanks to oxidisation.

If you have a darker skintone, you will have to compensate for its fairness with a darker powder. Although BB creams claim to adjust to individual skintones, the truth is that they contain colour pigments that do not always change accordingly. That said, the lightness of the Heroine Make BB cream can be mitigated a wee bit when I thin it out a little more with an angled sponge. The fairness might also pass as radiance; a visible brightening effect, so to speak.

As with most base products that have a moderately high SPF content, it has a slightly white cast with flash photography. Thankfully, it isn’t stark and doesn’t show up obviously under the right lighting.

Here I am, with the BB cream on my face* and Luv Carat Long Last Face Powder in Natural Beige over it, about ten hours after I applied both products. And yes, I took this photo with flash. (Excuse the limp hair; I need a haircut!)

This was after gentle blotting with tissue – only once, in the entire day – and a spritz of Skindinävia 10 Years Younger Makeup Finish. Although I won’t attribute the shine/sebum control solely to the BB cream, I’m certain it played a major part because it was an exceptionally humid day when I wore it out.

Retailing at Watsons’s Kawaii Corner, this cute little tube costs S$21.90 and has the same price tag as the brand’s popular mascaras. :)

Image source: Kiss Me Singapore

* For the curious, my eotd was similar to the Urban Decay Vert+Zero combination that I love, only I used Absolem (whose original name is Homegrown) from the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows, instead of Vert. I also used MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner in Undercurrent from the Art Supplies collection as a base – the gold flecks in this green blue pencil give the eyes a teensy hint of warmth.


  • jeanie says:

    Your fotd is gorgeous! I love the green! It really is stunning on you. These BB creams are very interesting to me. Would this work on a more neutral toned girl (NW20)?

  • TheUndercoverGypsy says:

    Hey Mag! This looks like a good find – I like BB creams for their ease of use as an all-in-one product (well, who doesn’t! ;) ) plus the fact that they wear well is an added bonus.
    Could you tell what green eyeshadow you’ve used in the pic? It looks vivid and pretty, but not too bold. Thanks.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey TUG!

      Do try it at the store; it has a great texture. As for the shadow, I used Absolem from the UD Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows over MAC Undercurrent Pearlglide (scroll to the bottom of the post – I mention it there). ;)

  • CUG says:

    Hi Mag! Thank you for the v helpful review ! Would you happen to know if the bb cream contains talc or mineral oil? Thanks :)

  • sizbelle says:

    hi mag, thanks for your review. i’m curious about this stuff and was looking high & low for review before getting them. I’m NC15, do you think its will look dark on me? you mentioned sink into pores, does it clog them?

    pretty FOTD you did.. ya i love dewy look!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Sizbelle,

      Thanks for the sweet comment. :)

      I think you might be able to use the BB cream, if you use a lighter powder over it. Why not bring your powder and apply it over the tester to verify? I don’t feel any clogging but when it gets really humid, it might get a tad cakey, as with most base makeup. A cleansing oil cleans it off well and my skin hasn’t broken out from it.

  • frond says:

    hmm compared to Skin79’s bb creams? this may be easier to get since i am a NC20 LOL!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Jo,

      I must admit I’ve yet to use the Skin79 ones I have. :P They aren’t as yellow as the Heroine Make one and have the usual grey/pink tone of most BB creams. :)

  • Lisa says:

    You look glowy and radiant! Have not tried Japanese bb cream before. And I don’t really like Korean bb cream except for skin79’s water drop bb. But this makes me wanna give it a try.

  • alle says:

    hi !!

    im interested to buy this, but im not sure if itll make my skin appear odd, as im quite fair. will the yellow tone of the bb cream cause yellow-ness?


    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Alle,

      I don’t think it is very yellow but if you have strong pink tones, it would be best to test the BB cream before purchasing it.

  • sxz says:

    love your review and you look gorgeous!
    I am using this currently as well, and I wish they made it in a lighter shade =[ Besides that, it is perfect and travel sized which I love =]

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