OPI Nail Lacquer in My Private Jet

I love this nail lacquer so much that I finished one and bought another. More complex than Mad As A Hatter and less glittery, the holographic shimmer is a rainbow in a bottle. The black-brown base is quite special too, offsetting the beautiful prismatic sparkles.

A second version of it was produced after the first run but somehow the later batch never matched the original. The Polish Addict has a great My Private Jet comparison post regarding this.

I’m no nail lacquer connoisseur but My Private Jet is probably the most beautiful nail varnish OPI has ever produced. This holo nail polish is truly ♥ x ♥!


  • sophia says:

    Hi Mag
    I lurve my private jet too, and it’s one of the few nail polish among my huge stash I had repurchased. It is not stark harsh black, not crazy glittery and just so interesting and unique.

  • Private Jet Charter says:

    LOL! I was searching for privae jet charters and i came across this site. Nice try. :D I must say the nail polish color is stunning.

  • Jessy says:

    You know somethin, the my private get i own has no holographic effect. I’ve seen online that there are 2 versions? i’m not really sure but I was sooo bummed when i received mine :( but good for you though (:

  • Jessy says:

    Thanks babe! i’m thinking of getting China Glaze’s Wireless a Holographic Top Coat.But in the swatch it seems more BLAH than BOOMZ. haha. Here’s a pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lextard/2945542218/

  • Jessy says:

    hmm yeah I had mixed feelings about it too.. I will look more into Inm Northern Lights like you recommended! Thanks babe! ;)

  • Esther says:

    Hey Jessy, I felt exactly the same way about the subsequent batch of My Private Jet! I was so upset that they changed the formula. In fact these days it’s so hard to find beautiful holographic polishes. There are some other brands that have also changed there formula after the first batch. In fact the whole range from the OPI designer series is no longer the same.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Esther,

      It happens with cosmetics too, unfortunately. I have two pieces of certain eyeshadows but they look different because they come from different batches. I wonder why the formula can’t be consistent…

  • Esther says:

    Yes I know. It’s either that, or they’ll remove a fantastic product from the market completely. Well, at least you have the original My Private Jet. I really regretted not getting a bottle after the formula changed. Anyway here’s to more beautiful products and better formulas that cosmetic and nail polish companies would come up with in the future. Hopfully.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Esther,

      Exactly! I’m thinking of MAC Blot Powder (Loose) as I type. It’s an excellent loose powder and many makeup artists love it. I don’t know why they’d discontinue such a great product. You could try eBay for the original MPJ? :)

  • Esther says:

    Yes! It’s my favorite product too, I only have a tiny amount left. Glad people understand how I feel. Unfortunately cosmetic companies don’t seem to :/

  • Esther says:

    Perhaps the one from the studio fix range can be a good alternative. I haven’t tried it personally yet though. Have you?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Esther,

      I’m currently trying out a few loose powders from other brands; some are gossamer-soft, while some are excellent over foundations. I still miss Blot Powder Loose, though, because it works so well with many base products. Thankfully, I have a back-up! :D

    • makeupmag says:

      Oh, do you mean the Select Sheer range? It’s functional but I don’t like it as much as Blot Powder Loose. :P

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