Makeup Memories | MAC Nail Lacquer in Chroma Copper Cobra

Part of the MAC Snake Eyes colour story released in 2000, this ‘deep rustic red multi-chromatic shade’ was one of the stunners of the collection.

This nail lacquer was complex for its time. Ironically, ten years down the road, MAC has yet to produce more nail polishes along these lines (why, MAC, why?); while we’re seeing multi-chromatic/multi-coloured/holographic/foiled/duo-chromed and what-have-you nail varnish finishes from many other brands.

At different angles, the shimmery polish flashes gold, bronze, plum, copper or purple. It also has a slight metallic glint. I used to love this on its own and sometimes with a glitter overcoat for added sparkle. I couldn’t bear to put it in the Back2MAC pile because it was such a special polish but now that I’ve paid tribute to it here, to the recycling mill it goes! :)


  • Berry T says:

    OMG! NO pls! Not to the recycling mill pls!
    If you really don’t want it, I can buy it from you! Or swap! Or something!
    Just pls pls pls don’t send it to recycling!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Berry!

      It cannot be used any more, even though the polish is somewhat fluid still – the cover is sealed tight and cannot be opened. :)

  • Berry T says:

    I think there is a way to it! One trick I learnt, dip the top of the nail polish (the part with the brush) into hot water and hold there for a while. Its supposed to help melt the dried up polish and you’ll be able to open it after.

    Would be really really sad to see such a lovely HTF go to the recycling otherwise =)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Berry,

      I’ll try that! The liquid inside is still somewhat fluid. :) How long does nail polish keep anyway?

  • It’ll stay good practically forever. Unlike things like foundation, the chemicals in nail polish are an inhospitable environment for bacteria, so they don’t go bad. The reason the nail polish is so thick is because some of the chemicals have evaporated out. Adding a nail polish thinner (like Seche Restore) puts back the chemicals that have evaporated and will make the polish like new again! It has to be polish thinner and not nail polish remover! If nail polish remover is added to polish, it will break down and ruin the polish (may be right away, may be over time).

    Using a thinner, you could bring this back to life and keep using it until every drop you can get out of the bottle is gone. :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi PolishPackrat,

      Thank you for that very useful piece of information. :)

      I’ll try that once I get my hands on some nail polish thinner. It would be great to revive this old favourite! (I’d have to get my hubs to wrench it open first though, lol!)

  • Suzie says:

    did you manage to pry the cap open from the bottle! do post swatches of this! its gorgeous!

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