MAC Art Supplies in Singapore

Art Supplies is everything you need to paint the ultimate self-portrait:

Different styles of art pencils create eye looks that are expressive and individual, for a new kind of PowerPoint presentation. The pencil portion of the collection focuses on a Greasepaint Stick in eight fabulous, limited-life shades… the ultimate inky colour payoff is an homage to the success we had with Style Black and DSquared² last season. Use as a Shadow or Liner: ludicrously long-wearing, transfer-and water-resistant, flexible and five-star comfortable. New Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner with an exciting new shimmering sparkle effect, will also launch in limited-life, featuring six slick, smooth, sextronic shades.

Just as Art Supplies for Eyes invokes the vision, Art Supplies for Lips speaks to the ultimate in sensuality…Luscious lips drawn from innovative new Lipstain Markers and Lip Pencils to use like a modern multimedia artist would – design and discover! Incorporating the concept of art tools into the world of MAC makeup, these pencils and markers create dramatically different lip looks. New Pro Longwear Lipstain Marker has the doodle fun of a pen, but with sophisticated, light and long-wearing results. It’s all about artistic freedom!

MAC Cosmetics Singapore

Here are the descriptions and prices of these pigmented lovelies slated to launch in the middle of April 2010 at all local MAC counters:

Greasepaint Stick S$32

Greengrease – blackened forest green
Zinc Zone – dark gunmetal
Slick Black – true carbon black
Dirty – blackened taupe with pearl
Brown, Now – blackened burgundy
Below Ground – blackened bronze
Uniformly Blue – blackened navy
Charred Mauve – blackened violet

Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner S$27

Almost Noir – dirty plum
Designer Purple – iridescent violet
Petrol Blue – deep navy
Undercurrent – blue teal
Industrial – periwinkle gray
Black Line – true black

Pro Longwear Lipstain Marker S$32

Full of Flare – bright yellow-coral
Stylesetter – hot pink
Classic – rose red
Purposefully Red – dirty red-coral
Modern Mocha – light brown
Point of View – light neutral
Tomorrow’s Coral – mid-tone blue-red
Runway Ripened -berry plum-red
Sunset – coral brown

Lipglass S$28

Clear – clear

Love the neat  concept. Terrific as stationery, pens, pencils and markers are marvellous as makeup. I’m reeling from KarlaSugar’s awesome swatches – the pigmented Greasepaint Sticks look perfect as bases for smokes and the complex iridescence of the Pearlglides are tdf. She makes me want almost the entire collection. :P The wallet may sob but the heart sings at the rich, lush colours!

Image source: MAC Cosmetics Singapore


  • Karen says:

    These are in stores already?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Karen,

      I don’t think so but the info I was given states March as the launch month. I suspect it may be released this Thursday or the next! :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Karen,

      MAC just said that the launch date has been pushed back – it will be released in mid-April. :)

  • TheUndercoverGypsy says:

    The wallet may sob but the heart sings at the rich, lush colours!
    I couldn’t have said it better. I think this is one of the very few MAC collections where every single item (every shade included) is so covetable…decisions, decisions….

  • stickles says:

    Last time GPS were in SG, they were $36, does that mean the prices are actually coming down? And it’s definitely being launched before end-March?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Stickles,

      Yes, I remember that! I’ve queried MAC and am waiting for an answer. Thanks for highlighting the price discrepancy (I honestly forget how much I’d paid for my Style Black Gp S). As for the launch date, I suspect it’s either this Thursday or the next. Will let you know what they say!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Stickles,

      MAC just returned with their reply – S$32, it is (yay!). :) However, the collection’s launch date has been pushed back to mid-April (no specific date, at the moment).

  • Fiona says:

    This is THE collection i’ve been waiting for!!! i love liners. thanks for the price list!

  • stickles says:

    yay! that’s like an 11% discount hahah, more reason to pick up a couple GPSes ;)

    Mid-April huh, guess that means it’ll launch after the LOL collection, so I better start saving.

    Thanks for the info!!

  • moogoowaga says:

    hey mag, do u know if they’ll be released in all mac stores or just tangs? do let us know the actual date when u know it :D

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