Urban Decay Master Class by Eric Jimenez

Yesterday evening was makeup-memorable – together with the lovely Iris (my go-to for up-to-date beauty info), I attended Urban Decay’s Master Class conducted by the brand’s very own head makeup artist, Eric Jimenez.

Held at Sephora Ion, the class was located in an open space in-store. Roomy yet intimate, it was a nice area in which to communicate with Eric (Iris and I weren’t so fond of the seats though – perhaps Sephora would consider comfier chairs in the future? ;)).

The pristine tables held many Urban Decay testers for us to try, as well as generous makeup implements and cleansers, underscoring Sephora’s signature generosity with these items.

The goodie bag was not the same as the gift they’re giving away with the purchase of two Urban Decay items but it was exciting nonetheless. Inside were:

  • 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Rockstar
  • 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Stash (Stash is in the newer packaging and slightly longer than Rockstar)
  • Mini Lipstick in Gash
  • Mini Pocket Rocket in Doug
  • Complexion Primer Potion sample in Pore Perfecting

The lip colours are GORGEOUS!

Laid out on the tables were samples of the brand’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Original (their best-selling product) and Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Sin.

More than the products, the highlight of the event has to be Eric Jimenez’s personality! Always warm and funny, his energy never fazed, even with a lukewarm class of participants (my guess is that everyone was so overwhelmed by his shower of never-ending tips and the barrage of fun products that they were just too stunned to speak up. :D). Gracious and humorous, he certainly knew how to capture an audience.

His affable presentation style made the time fly. Before we knew it, we were already an hour and a half into the class. Among other makeup tidbits, he shared the following with us:

  • Urban Decay has the least number of binders in its eyeshadows, compared to other mainstream brands (I like this because many binder ingredients are comedogenic)
  • Many of Urban Decay products can be eaten(!) because of their high natural content
  • Eyeshadow Primer Potion can be extended to the brows to mattify and aid in filling  (I’ve friends on Emakemeup who do this; they’d be glad that this is a pro tip! ;))
  • Lash Primer Potion can be used to create fuller brows
  • 24/7 Concealers contain microsponges to absorb oil (I love how they feel on the skin and how blendable they are)
  • “Complexion invites beauty to yourself” (He declared this with verve at the start of the class and I thought it made a lot of sense)
  • Concealer over eyeshadow can impart dimension and a different hue/texture to the eyeshadow
  • Lip Primer Potion contains hyaluronic spheres that act as a glove for the lips
  • One way to shape the eye is to line the bottom lash line first
  • Applying the Metal Glitter Liners on the lower lash line can add clarity and brilliance to the eyes from underneath (I thought this was a neat way to describe the effect)
  • “You control the products, the products do not control you” (Wise words!)

I appreciated many of his tips. True makeup artistry means learning continuously and this is partly why I love it! :)

Here’s a fun and fabulous look that Eric created with Gash Lipstick, Atmosphere Stardust Eyeshadow, Graffiti 24/7 Eye Pencil/Eyeshadow, Surreal Skin Mineral Makeup and Baked Bronzer, among other UD products. Midway through the class I remarked to Iris that it was wonderful seeing such bold and vibrant looks. Wearable makeovers/demonstrations may be practical but this is so much more visually-appealing!

I was flattered that Eric mentioned my Vert+Zero eotd again during the class. The best part? He promised me that he will be bringing Vert with him, along with Mildew, Shattered and other shadows, when he returns to Singapore later this year! I can’t wait to see more eyeshadow singles. I look forward to seeing him again too – he is such a sweetheart and so effusive in his love for the brand he represents. Such passion is a thing to behold – he has time for everyone to explain, to recommend, to demonstrate; he basically gives love to and from UD. Incredible!

Iris has a nice post about the class. Do hope over there for more photos and musings on the event. :)


  • Iris says:

    Hey Mag,
    That was definitely the most fun makeup class that I’ve ever attended! Love Eric and his personality :-) You know what, I should have taken that Zero 24/7 Glide-On Eyeliner Pencil! I thought it was included in our goodie bag. It was only when I got home that I saw that the two that we received were other shades. Dang!

    I love that last photo of Eric with the model posing specially for you. I didn’t post any photos of him working on the models on my blog ‘cos all my photos of him turned out strange.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Iris,

      It was very fun and informative. Eric was amazing with the amount of tips he crammed into the session; he had something for both the novices and the pros. :) Go back to Sephora and ask Didi for Zero! ;) He was really nice, wasn’t he? The customer service was lovely yesterday.

  • Marcia says:

    I love this article and the tips he had to offer. I guess UDPP should come back into my collection to try on my eyebrows now.

  • Ruiling says:

    Hey Mag! Just came back from the class! It was fabulous!! =) I finally get to try out the palettes after seeing so much of it online.

    I wanted to get my hands on the deluxe palette but it flew off the shelves after the class. *sobz* Anyway, having a weakness for free gifts, I topped up the products I redeemed from the class (de-slick powder & lip primer potion), with the concealer pencil and 24/7 glide on lip pencil in Naked AND made reservations for Alice… hehe… can’t wait for it to come in March!!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Ruiling!

      Thanks for dropping by my webby! :D Eric is a gem, isn’t he? I’m sorry to hear that the Deluxe Shadow Box is out of stock but I think it’s a permanent item, so no worries. Nice haul there – I bought the concealer pencil too! Ah, Alice…everyone’s waiting impatiently! ;)

  • JC says:

    I went to buy the De slick and Stardust in Bobby Dazzle;)

    Wanted to get the liq eyeliner but then unsure if it will stay on my oily lids

  • JC says:

    Unsure of its staying power leh. Later end up as panda again:(

    Even the MUFE eye pencils smudges tsk tsk

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Chev,

      To be honest, the UD and MUFE pencils are quite emollient upon application. However, I tend to use a base under all my pencils and shadows. Perhaps you could try them over UDPP?

  • Stephanie says:

    It was a really fab master class and I luuuurrrve Eric Jiminez!

    I actually reserved the Deluxe palette earlier during the week. The SAs balked at doing that but the super nice store manager, Irene, allowed me to do that and redeem it today.

    I bought the lippie in Revolution and 24/7 in Lust, Stardust in Atmospheric and the Deluxe palette for myself. I am waiting for reviews for the HD mineral powder as I am a bit iffy about the packaging. Was Didi the fabo Malay bloke with Atmospheric and Retrogade in the to-die-for eye makeup today? Yes, the customer service was wonderful today even if some of the girls are a little uninformed about the products.

    Love the Pocket Rocket which I bought for a friend’s birthday today. Tempted to get one for myself just to strip the lil fella … LOL.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Stephanie,

      Great haul! Why not get the Pocket Rocket and another item to receive another gift bag? ;)

      Eric’s such a wonderful MA, yes? That was really nice of Irene. I’m glad you had the foresight to reserve it. There were a few of them left when I left the store on Friday night but I reckoned they were snapped up in no time by the weekend crowd.

      I think that was Didi! He’s awesome – patient and always obliging. :) He actually works at Sephora NAC, so do look out for him there.

  • JC says:

    Thanks, I will try them again but then ah I bought pencils mainly for the purpose of tightlining…..

    Off to start my search again lo

  • JC says:

    Nope but I think Gosh discontinues alot of the colors in they eye pencils already?

  • Louise @ makeup courses says:

    If you want those pencils, which are really good for ultra fine and tiny lines, you should try Ebay or some of the smaller shops that go for older lines.

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