Jill Stuart for Sony Play Station Portable (PSP)

Now that’s a title I never thought I’d write. Iris gave me a shock this morning when she wrote about the Jill Stuart Blossom Pink PSP.

According to her, fashion and beauty brand Jill Stuart has collaborated with Sony (!) to create a  ‘sweet limited package’ PSP, complete with a glittery cleaning cloth and a cushioned pouch with a gem-studded strap.

Do read Iris’s post for more information on this. The specs in English can be found here, courtesy of Digital Trends. I’m still reeling from this – the two are quite disparate things, no? But then again, we have Hello Kitty-themed PSPs, so why should I be surprised? I guess I should only be wondering why they didn’t encrust it in diamantes and other gems, given the jewel-friendly Jill Stuart beauty compacts! ;)

Image sources: Sony Japan and Playstation Japan


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