San-X Rilakkuma Cake Pouch

Rilakkuma Cake Pouch

I’ve always had a weakness for confectionery – edible and otherwise – so you can imagine how irresistible this San-X Rilakkuma zippered case must have been to me. :P Unlike the more kiddy-like Rilakkuma vinyl pouch, this one is both feminine and cute at the same time. The images of cakes, macaroons and other sweet delights remind me of those on Palette’s Sweet Street merchandise. I ♥ the cheerful colours!

Rilakkuma Cake Pouch Interior

The interior is printed with related images. The gold on pink makes for a more expensive appearance; it would be a pity to stain the fabric with makeup.

Rilakkuma Cake Pouch Folded Sides

I particularly like the folded sides of the case. I actually caved because of this – the folds add a wonderful touch of interest to the pouch!

Rilakkuma Flat Cake Pouch

I also saw a flat vinyl version at Kinokuniya. Although it’s too small for me, I really like how well-made it is and how it beautifully displays the creamy macaroons.

Rilakkuma Cake Pouch (small)

Rilakkuma One-Sided Vinyl Cake Pouch

Here are two more pouches with this adorable design. Aren’t they lovely?

Image source: San-X


  • barbara says:

    may i know which branch did you buy the pouch from?
    are there still any left?
    and how much did it cost?

  • barbara says:

    Thanks again!
    I was about to buy it from the san-x japan shop before i found your blog.
    Did you happen to see any other rilakkuma items at kino? There weren’t any when I went on thur…

    • makeupmag says:

      You’re very welcome, Barbara!

      Kino Liang Court was where I saw the flat vinyl pouch (only one left). I also saw the lunch boxes, chopstick sets and plastic mugs there. Taka seems to have more stock of the stationery and cases though. Good luck!

  • stellarvixen says:

    my heart melted ohh suki suki rilakkuma!!
    mental-note to myself to checkout KL-Kino whether do they stock up on this cute relaxing bugger~~

    like your pick! i only hav some rillakuma softoys & phone keycharms ohh a box of cookies too!

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