Sana 39mm Wide Spring Power Curler

Sana 39mm Wide Spring Power Curler

When I wrote about the Koji Wide Angle Eyelash Curler earlier this year, I didn’t expect a lovely random act of kindness: Ashley, a reader who owns Cozy Babies (an e-store that carries Beco Baby Carriers), offered to send me the classic Sana 39mm curler* as a comparison.

Although I’ve tried this curler in the past, I couldn’t get it to fit my lid at all and sold it eventually. Surprisingly, it works better for me now. I wonder if this has to do with ageing – my lids aren’t as firm as before and I’m seeing the beginnings of a crease on my single lids.

The wide angle grasps all my lashes, although there is a slight pull on the roots (if I’m not careful, this could translate into pain). It doesn’t cup the lashes as well as my trusty MAC curler but it is a handy tool to have when I need to curl my lashes in a pinch (pun fully intended :P); I like that it gives my  puny lashes an immediate curl.

Thank you, Ashley, for your generous gift! ♥

* The original Sana 39mm curler bears the name ‘Powerstyle’ and is blue in colour. Ashley sent me a limited edition gold one. I believe there is a shimmering pink one as well, although I’m not sure if it’s from Sana itself. I do know that Excel (also under the Sana brand) carries a similar curler in pink and gold.


  • plue says:

    Sana Excel they call it, for their curler i think. I have the gold one and the normal blue one. Pink is OOS almost everywhere i think because it’s LE and it’s pink!

    • makeupmag says:

      Hey Plue Plue!

      Shimmering pink is so girly and sweet. It reminds me a little of the Canmake one which is a metal pink, I think.

  • Strikingreality says:

    Blue is only available outside Japan I think! I have never seen it in Japan. Gold is the standard colour for the Sana eyelash curker in Japan. The pink one is a LE which is released every spring. I have never seen it before but I have read that the quality is not as good, in that the plastic can break. :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Strikingreality,

      Thanks for your elucidation on the colour differences! :D I haven’t seen the gold around here (although I seem to recall that it was sold as a limited edition item at Sasa some time back) – I obtained my first one from a Japan CP. The pink is different in quality? I wonder why…

  • everbluec says:

    I have Koji curler, sometimes I feel that it pulls my lashes’ roots(pains!!)
    But this sana 39mm curler sound kinda GOOD to me.. cos of the wide length.

    SO MAC curler is good? (I have been thinking of getting a new lash curler!)

  • plue says:

    Mag dearie,

    Canmake one OOS here the last I check. >_< RM30 for a curler, refill RM10, not that bad la. But I already got 2 sana, one shu, one koji (can't remember which), one shiseido (drugstore version) so I dun think i shud get another Canmake~

    merry xmas doll!

  • Ashley Lin says:

    Aww, I was using it anyway I am still looking for a suitable curler, the ones I had always ‘kiap’ me.

  • xoxo says:

    which curler is the best???
    shu, koji , sana or shiseido???
    i wanna buy a good curler.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Xoxo,

      I hesitate to recommend you a curler because we all have eyes that are shaped differently. You’ll need to try curlers at the counter to see if their curvature fits you. :)

      Shiseido, Shu Uemura and MAC curlers work for many people and have a lot of positive feedback though.

  • christy says:

    I tried the blue 1 before, but i find that it still can’t cramp my lashes at the side. It quite difficult to find the refill for the rubber… :(

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