Revlon Fantasy Lengths Maximum False Eyelashes

REVLON® Fantasy Lengths™ Maximum Wear Eyelashes

Revlon recently sent me some of their Fantasy Lengths false eyelashes to try. They aren’t available in Singapore, so I was somewhat curious about them. My first thought upon seeing them was that they looked like those from Ardell, that established faux lash brand.

I was especially intrigued by the Maximum Wear Self-Adhesive Eyelashes – I’ve always wondered about such lashes and imagined them to be sticker-backed. These aren’t like that. Instead, they have a black sticky adhesive on the lashbone which quickly and easily adhere to the lash line, surprising me with how secure they feel.

They can be reused after the first wear if the original strip of adhesive on each lash has not lost its tacky quality. Carefully remove the falsies from your lashes and store them on the sturdy curved bases provided. If you’re leery of recycling the adhesive, pull it off gently and dispose of it before sticking the lashes to the extra adhesive strips that are provided for another round of usage. Each box comes with only two extra strips; one for each lash. I haven’t tried using them with regular lash glue but I reckon they ought to work fine. I rather liked the ones I tried (Defining) – they were long, yet natural and opened up my single-lidded eyes.

REVLON® Fantasy Lengths™ MaximumWear Eyelashes

I also tried the Maximum Wear Glue-On Eyelashes. Also under the Fantasy Lengths range, these do not have an adhesive on the lashbone and are regular lashes on which you have to apply lash glue. While I like the natural look of the ones I tried (Flirty) and appreciate that the lashes look realistic and are nicely pliable, I was very surprised by the glue which you could very well bin – the one I had had solidified! I wasn’t counting on it anyway; I prefer to stick to my Duo or Cutie Cutie eyelid glue which I use as lash glue. ;)

I cannot deny that we have a plethora and an excellent range of false eyelashes available to us here from Taiwan and other Asian countries. Many of these lashes wear well and are relatively inexpensive (the ones I currently favour are S$15 for ten pairs).

That said, the drugstores in the States tend to have attractive BOGO offers and steep discounts, so it wouldn’t hurt to buy a few of these Revlon ones to try. The swift and effortless adhesion, coupled with the natural appearance of these synthetic lashes made me search, the easiest way to purchase them here in Singapore, a custom purchase aside.

Image source: Revlon


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