Palette’s Sweet Street Mugs

Palette's Sweet Street

Relatively new to the San-X stable of cute character themes, Palette’s Sweet Street centres on an intrepid black cat which traipses a street replete with colourful goodness.  Among other lovely things, it comes across delectable-looking confectionery and pretty beauty accessories on its ambulatory adventures.

I’m not sure about this but ‘Palette’ may be the name of the feline that explores the sweet street. It sometimes dons a pink ribbon and a blue one at other times. (Or perhaps there’re two cats? I really don’t know. :P)

Palette's Sweet Street Pink Mug

Pink Palette's Sweet Street Mug

The Palette’s Sweet Street ceramic mugs portray some of the cat’s jaunts on the street. Perfect vessels for beauty tools (combs, makeup brushes, lash curlers and the like) and cylindrical beauty items (perfume vials, eyeliners, mascaras, lipglosses and so on), these sturdy mugs are not only functional, their charming graphics also make them beautiful counter-top accessories. I particularly like the delicate box of macaroons and the delightful cupcakes. :)

Palette's Sweet Street Blue Mug

Blue Palette's Sweet Street Mug

I’m more inclined to the adorable whimsy of this San-X theme than the overt cuteness of its other characters such as Rilakkuma, so the pink mug was an instant purchase for me when I saw it at Kinokuniya. I later bought the blue one as a birthday gift for someone very dear to me. She told me she liked it so much that she couldn’t bear to use it! ;)

Image source: San-X


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