NOTD | Skinfood Nail Vita in GR901 Grey Rum + Inm Northern Lights Hologram Top Coat in Silver

Although I’m partial to blacks with complex shimmer on the nails (think OPI Black Onyx + OPI My Private Jet), I recently modified this look by going grey and a little softer.

I first applied Skinfood Grey Rum, whose name aptly reflects the purple that is swirled into the deep slate lacquer.

This almost-metallic trendy blue-grey goes on smoothly and has surprising depth of colour for a S$5.50 polish. It also has a beautiful sheen and a hint of well-dispersed shimmer.

I next applied Inm Northern Lights Hologram Top Coat in Silver, a multi-coloured glitter topcoat, over Grey Rum. Part of Inm’s Out the Door series, it is a suspension of fine glitter in a clear polish.

A holographic sticker on the bottle-cap instructs you to ‘shake it up!’. This is to ensure that the glitter can be easily lifted as it tends to settle at the bottom when the bottle is left standing. This feature allows you to control the amount of glitter on the nails, something that is difficult to do with more homogeneous glitter polishes.

Although the glitter is silver-based (the brand also has the topcoat in gold), it is very much multi-dimensional, hence the word ‘hologram’ in its name.

Skinfood Grey Rum + Inm Northern Lights Hologram Silver = sparkles that twinkle every which way in a sea of grey!


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