MAC Pro Nourishing Oil Enriched

At the MAC Masterclass I attended yesterday, Gregory Arlt introduced a MAC Pro Nourishing essential oil blend, a new Pro-only product that will launch in 2010. The bottle was labelled ‘Pro Nourishing Oil Enriched (Grapefruit Lime & Chamomile)’. I’m not sure if this is the designated name or merely the working one.

Although the details are hazy on this product, there is nothing confusing about the scent. Sweet and gentle with a bit of citrus lift, this Vitamin E-based essential oil is as pleasant to smell as it is to touch – it doesn’t have excessive slip; instead, the product absorbs readily into the skin.

A fellow makeup artist at the class remarked that it reminded him of MAC Cleanse Off Oil. I agree that the latter has hints of the Pro Nourishing scent but this new product isn’t as oily.

When Gregory whipped it out during his HDTV makeup presentation, he explained in glee that it is great for a softer finish in foundation work. Simply mix a drop or two into foundation to make it more velvety. A neat pro trick, no? :)


  • FacesBySarah says:

    yea he mentioned you could add a drop or two of cleaning oil too, right? i was astonished!

  • carpe diem says:

    This is really interesting but I'm quite confused by the application. Mix it together with the foundation by applying directly to skin after the foundation or wat? Blend with fingers I suppose yes? Or does it work the same way as a serum does?

  • kuri says:

    sounds like a very pleasant scent. Look forward to trying it.

  • makeupmag says:

    Hey Sarah,

    Thanks for reminding me! :D That tip is in my notes; I need to write them up! :)

  • makeupmag says:

    Me too, Kuri. I wonder what its actual packaging would look like.

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Carpe Diem,

    What Gregory A. did was drop some of the oil into the foundation he'd squirted out onto the back of his hand. He then used a foundation brush to mix the two and applied the foundation onto the skin. :)

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