Watsons Glow Magazine Issue 2 + Watsons Giveaways

The second issue of the quarterly Watsons Glow magazine (S$2) is now available at all Watsons stores. Comprising as much information as its inaugural issue, this issue for July-September 2009 comes with a free makeup pouch.

Beauty highlights include:

  • A chance to win the makeup collection used on the cover model which includes something from the Maybelline AngelFit line
  • Bright Spark – Tips on using bright eyeshadows
  • Drab to Fab Hair – DIY solutions to help correct problems such as hair loss
  • Polished Perfection – Advice on choosing the correct foundation to suit your skin type
  • Spot Check – Reviews of the new Za Pore Erasing Base and other Za products

I’m looking forward to Polished Perfection…have a read and you will know why! ;)

There will be two Watsons events that you can sign up for with the mag; a Rimmel workshop and another Glow workshop, following the first:

Rimmel Makeup Workshop

What? An introduction to Rimmel and its products, with hands-on play
When? 22 August 2009
Where? Delfi Orchard
What else? A S$20 registration fee, inclusive of a goody bag and light refreshments

Glow Workshop 2: Look Good and Feel Good!

What? A workshop organised by L’Oréal and Maybelline with focus on body care, skincare and cosmetics
When? 15 August 2009 1.30-5 pm
Where? Intercontinental Hotel (next to Bugis Junction)
What else? A S$25 registration fee, inclusive of a goody bag and light refreshments

As with the first issue, this one is full of great giveaways. Score Vichy, Rimmel and Nuxe products, among others, with a simple email!


And dear readers, do look out for a series of Watsons giveaways on Makeup Stash! coming your way very soon. Some brands in this giveaway series include K-Palette and Majolica Majorca.

I’ve already seen the items and am delighted that they are products that I would use/want myself! :D



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