Thanks to Kim who gushed about Sasa HD Perfect Foundation (S$18.90) to me last week, I had to pop into the store when I was in Marina Square two days back. According to the BB Cream Queen, this formulated-in-Japan foundation not only creates a flawless visage, it also pops features in photos without the use of highlighters. In her words, ‘the face looks 3-D’.
With a review like this, how could I resist? What’s more, the description on the opalescent bottle of this 30 ml high-definition foundation offers positive adjectives:
This light weight formula offers perfect coverage with a naturally soft, matte finish. Its hydrating fluid glides on seamlessly to give you a flawless luminous complexion.
I tested it and really like it under Sana Maikohan Powder. Its texture is rather silky and when set with the Sana powder, truly gives a smooth and even finish. I cannot wait to compare this affordable foundation with my RMK foundation which has given me a luminous and porcelain appearance in photos all this while. Unfortunately, the Sasa foundation has a drawback: its scent is something that I will have to get used to – it smells a tad off…like vanilla gone bad. :(
She also told me about some funky fake eyelashes from Korea (S$4.90 for 6 pairs), the box of which bears the words ‘false eyelashes of double-fold eyelids’. Quite amusing, really and while on MSN, we tried to decipher the cryptic meaning. In the end, we assumed that these lashes from SHL (the name of the brand, according to the Sasa brochure) could be layered, lol! It recently struck me that it may be their way of saying the falsies are suited for people with double eyelids or that they can give a double-eyelid/lid crease effect.
In addition, Kim told me she’d purchased a mini lash curler to clamp falsies to real lashes. A nifty idea, I thought. I once owned such a curler but had given it away to a friend for usage on lower lashes. Its edge-free quality seems particularly suited for such a purpose. Who knew there were other non-conventional uses? I usually apply false lashes in a jiffy but this sounds like something to try with this curler from Kai (S$8.05); meshing the real and the fake. I believe the only caveat is to be gentle, lest the falsies are inadvertently removed.
I love sharing tips and product discoveries…and am even more delighted when people share them with me. Thanks, Kim!
I have not written and post pics of my haul and you have yours up! You’re damn fast! Looks like you’ve written it all. I might not even need to write anything. :P Just post my pics and link this entry. heehee
Can u tell me more abt the Sasa foundation? Is it the house brand? can’t seem to find it on google…thanks
Hey Kimmy! :)
We’re all waiting for you to post about these items! Thanks for the heads up, especially re: the lashes – so cheap!
Hi Hwee,
Yes, the foundation is under the Sasa brand.
I used the foundation over my sunscreen yesterday and it was a tad too white, so I need to tinker with the combination/proportion.