I Nuovi Mummy’s Girl Contest in celebration of Mother’s Day 2009

Click the picture for more information!

The good people at I Nuovi are giving away some lovely makeup goodies this Mother’s Day*, to celebrate that special maternal bond.

To stand a chance to win these makeup lovelies…

In not more than 100 words, leave a comment to reveal a beauty secret or tip that your mother has shared with you.

Mummy will win:

  • Ivoluxe Lipstick in Sensual
  • D36 Cheek Colour in Entice
  • D27 Eyeshadow in Suede (a gorgeous shimmery, flashing lime green with a touch of taupe!)
  • Highbrow in Cocoa
Mummy’s Girl will win:
  • Ultragloss in Pop
  • Cheek Blush in Dolly
  • Metallogy Eyeshadow in Champagne
  • Undercover Concealer

The closing date for all entries is 15 May 2009.

Please include your e-mail address**
when you post your comment.

I’ve always had a special fondness for I Nuovi products, despite its low-key marketing. Good products stand the test of time and I’m glad this brand is still available here in Singapore…and with such an extensive range too.

This will be your chance to find out more about I Nuovi. Go on, post away!

Skindeco for Malaysian residents
My Beauty Bunny for United States residents

* T & C
  • makeupstash.com is the official Singapore blog for this i nuovi contest.
  • This contest is open exclusively to residents of Singapore.
  • No purchase is necessary. (What are you waiting for? :D)
  • Only one blog comment will be accepted per person.
  • There will be only one winner from makeupstash.com.
  • i nuovi will be responsible for sending out the prizes.
** You could email me privately if you do not wish to post your email address here.


  • Connie De Alwis says:

    so you’re the singapore ‘ambassador’ for this contest! :D I’ll put this as a link on my contest post so that my singaporean leaders can be led here. they’d wanna win too!

  • mybeautybunny says:

    Hi there! I am running the U.S. version of this contest – I added a link to your blog from my entry page.

    Your U.S. readers can enter here:


    Thanks! :)

  • Whit says:

    I love contests!!! i’d like to try this brand as well- is this where we post our email to enter?


  • aichaku-愛着 says:

    The best beauty tip my mom gave me was to eat well and keep my body healthy. Hahaha. That way, whatever I wear or use, I will look good!

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Connie and Jen!

    Thank you! I’ve included links to your entries for Malaysian and US readers. :)

  • Shan says:

    The best tip my mum shared was to use rice water to wash my face. It helps in brightening and whitening my skin and keeps the fine lines and pimples away.


  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Whitney,

    Are you in Singapore? You will have to leave a comment including your mummy’s beauty tip.

    If you’re in the US, you can go to My Beauty Bunny (the link is in the post) to take part in this contest.

  • Traclyn Yeoh says:

    At least this is not too bad, I read skindeco’s site!

  • theotherworldly says:

    My mom started me out on facial wash, toner and moisturizer when I was only 10 years old! She taught me to clip my hair up when I sleep, and change my pillow case often to keep my skin good. And to apply things that go inside the skin in the opposite direction of the pores, so stuff goes in; sunblock and foundation go in the direction of the pores so it doesn’t get in!

  • Priscilla says:

    My mom shared this tip with me — Use sunscreen daily and it’s never too early to start using anti-wrinkle products!


    My email add — floatycloudpris@hotmail.com

  • FINAH LOVE says:

    My mum, she's always best at anything. She told me that taking shower (cleaning your body)everyday and apply nice moisturiser.Doing facial and body scrub once a week.Putting some baby oil or milk when taking a bath for soft and smooth skin.Eating balance, being happy, sleeping a lot and never ever be lazy about taking care of my face & body!It works amazingly :)Look sweet but dont try too hard. Stand up straight, head up, knockers out.


  • Ash says:

    The best beauty tip my mum passed on to me is to apply Hazeline Snow cream on my zit and the zit will subside & disappear after 1-2 days of application! It works wonders, especially on my sensitive skin! And one bottle of Hazeline Snow can last for a long time… :)

    Email: ashleyang7@yahoo.com.sg

  • Dory says:

    My mum told me to be sincere and smile. =)


  • Lyne says:

    The best tips from my mum is always do scrub+body lotion n DIY treatment for hair. do DIY mask with cucumber, avocado or aloe vera

    E-mail: chee_zy@yahoo.com

  • Anonymous says:

    My mum taught me that:
    1. Keep my face clean and don’t overscrub it. This will only irritate the skin and make it more prone to breakouts. Wash face twice a day with antibacterial soap, three times a day for acne prone skin.
    2. To avoid transferring bacteria and germs, clean my pillowcase, washcloths, towels, make-up brushes and applicators frequently.
    3. Lastly, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. There is a special uniqueness and individuality that sets us apart from the rest!

    Email address: inspiration0903@hotmail.com

  • love says:

    The first best tip my mum shared with me is that the lesser makeup a woman wears, the younger she looks. The second is using Rosehip oil which can slow down premature aging and improves collagen and elastin levels in the skin.

    E-mail: melissatan92@hotmail.com

  • Manchuria says:

    My mum used to always nag at me whenever i used makeup removers or toner on my face- because i always used the cotton pad in a downward motion. She advised me to use an upward and outward direction so my skin wont sag in the long run! Thanks to her, I’ve been defying gravity, thus helping my skin remain youthful and firm.

    my email: xmanchuriax@yahoo.com

  • Anonymous says:

    Mom told me to wash my face twice a day. Drink lots of water, eat healthy(including lots of fruits) and get enough sleep. Always keep skin clean and to wear best smile on face each morning.

  • audrey says:

    Over the years, my mom has shared many beauty tips with me. The best part was how these tips were passed on to me: with love and concern that her young daughter would grow up to be a beautiful young lady who is lovely both on the outside as well on the inside. Thanks to her, I have cultivated a good skincare routine with a few beauty secrets such as *psst* using a honey lemon rinse for dull hair and adding a drop or two of tea tree oil to my facewash to prevent pimples!


  • yamapeace says:

    My mother told me that eating right was the best way! Having a balanced diet of carbohydrates (rice, noodles, bread), proteins (meat, dairy products), vitamins (fruits and vegetables) and minerals (plenty of water) and even fat (from nuts and fish like salmon) would ensure that you have a healthy body, and the beauty inside you will definitely shine out and give you that ravishing glow!
    Of course, having the right makeup that suits your skin tones too will no doubt enhance your features and make you look even better :D

    my email is: getsuriru@gmail.com

  • bluehaert says:

    My mum told me many grandma tales with regards to beauty and stuff. Like using shampoo to wash my back to cure bacne, using the froth from porridge to apply on dry and chapped lips and lastly using sulphur powder mixed with lime juice to combat hair loss.

  • tulipp says:

    Mummy has always been a simple and frugal lady. She never goes out without makeup, but always used drugstore products on offer. She only has 1 of each item, buys a new one only when she runs out. She never changes the colours she picks, always the same hues of grey/dark blue eyeshadows. Its been so for all 22 years I’ve known her!

    But mummy taught me who often was inferior when it comes to looks, that makeup makes one feel better about ourselves and gives us better confidence. Beauty is confidence and feeling good about oneself.


  • El says:

    My mum was a simple lady.
    2 pieces of advice us girls received from her:

    1- “To maintain your fresh-faced beauty, it should look like you’ve not used any make-up at all. (But of course mum knows you have!)”

    2- “And to bring out your natural beauty each and every day, just smile and be yourself!”

  • cotton says:

    This very simple advice given.

    – Drink lots of water if you want to see the healthy glow on your skin! Of course not forgetting a balanced diet coupled with exercise.


  • tee tree oil says:

    Thanks, some interesting stuff to read here. But i’m having some problems using Opera Browser. Is it only me?

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