Lipstick Queen Chinatown Glossy Pencils

Lipstick Queen has come up with yet another lovely lip product; this time, a fatty lipgloss pencil. Inspired by Roman Polanski’s movie, Chinatown, Chinatown Glossy Pencils are jumbo-sized pencils in bright hues and a ‘super sheer, super moisturizing‘ formula that allows you to ‘draw on gloss.

The cheery colours look like they would be wonderful worn sheer. I’ve always liked the idea of fatty lip pencils and these remind me of the NARS ones, albeit not as creamy as the latter.

If you are wondering what the Chinese characters mean:

口红 = kǒu hóng = lipstick
皇后 = huáng hòu = queen


I love the font of the Chinese characters and the brilliant red of the featured pencil (Thriller).


  • JacQlin says:

    hihi is this available in singapore??

  • Juschev says:

    I remembered my first chubby stick lippie was from Clinique and that was eons ago. Loved it so much that I wanted a second one.

    Too bad the brand is not so accessible to us here.

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi JacQlin,

    Unfortunately, Lipstick Queen is not available here (yet?). You might like to try Julie Hewett, which has a good range of reds, as well. It can be found at The Skin Boutique (

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Chev! :)

    Aww! They’re so easy to wear, aren’t they? I’m hoping LQ enters our market soon. Her shades and formulas are lip-huggingly beautiful.

  • Traclyn Yeoh says:

    How I wish they are in Singapore, then maybe I can get them when I’m visiting!

  • makeupmag says:

    Hey Traclyn,

    I know! Take heart though – if a boutique brand like Julie Hewett can make its way here, Lipstick Queen may not be far off. ;)

  • jojoba says:

    LOL at the chinese wording. :) I think this is a very interesting product.

    i am trying to reframe myself from buying too many lip products before moving to sydney in december. but it’s so hard!

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Jojoba,

    I’ve seen your tasteful and moderate stash. GET IT, you need to expand your stash! ^_^

  • jojoba says:

    i just might as i recently discovered the beauty of using lipliners.

  • makeupmag says:

    Mmmm Jojoba,

    Lush lips coming your way! ;) I should be getting mine soon. Please let me know what you think of these…post on your blog! :D

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