Sephora in Singapore: Ngee Ann City Store

So Sephora finally opened its doors here but nary a makeup wish of mine save one – Too Faced – was fulfilled! Despite this, I enjoyed myself exploring its busy and crowded pioneer store at Ngee Ann City. I was amused to see a young man having tubes of Sephora body washes wrapped up, as well as a Sephora eyeshadow palette and a tin of Smith’s Rosebud Salve. What thoughtful shopping! Of course, he might have been sent on the mission by a female. Nonetheless, his patience was to be admired. ;)


Too many destination brands are being carried by the store. In fact, many of them grace the wall displays – you are hit by Dior, Clinique, Estée Lauder, Biotherm as soon as you step in. Who wants to be reminded of these brands when you see them in almost every departmental store on the island?

The absence of desired brands like Cargo, Laura Mercier, NARS, Smashbox and Tarte (available in the US Sephoras) thwarted makeup expectations. This absence is felt more acutely by makeup enthusiasts who acquire beauty lemmings and brand knowledge from the Internet and abroad. The common lament is this: Where is Urban Decay? Certainly, many people looking forward to trying the line’s Primer Potion and pigmented eyeshadows are sorely disappointed. I’m hoping Sephora Singapore is aware of this and brings in the brand very soon! :)

The price points are generally higher than those in the US. Rouge Deluxe has some price comparisons and a few are mind-boggling.

Tissue paper was difficult to find when I was there; I’m not even sure they had it! I was surprised by this as I expected it to be de rigueur in a makeup-centred store. After all, customers usually test makeup on their skin and tissue paper is a quick way to clean it off. That said, cotton rounds and makeup removers are readily available for cleansing (see below).

Edited to add: Things have changed for the better since its opening – Smashbox is now available, as is Urban Decay (whee!) and tissue paper can be found on tester stations. I’m stoked that this mega beauty store actually listened to us, the consumers. :)


Unusual brands like Hourglass, Pop Beauty and Too Faced have been brought in, adding diversity to the local makeup scene. I was pleased to see and swatch Too Faced and Hourglass. Too Faced has some pretty and pigmented items (the Galaxy Glam shadows and some of the duos are especially lovely) but I was generally rather unimpressed by Hourglass, the nifty swivel compact of the Vol. 6 Face Palette being the only thing that caught my eye.

Viva Woman has a review of this product!
I liked the scent at first but not the lingering whiff.

A plethora of testers are available at the store. Even though the outlet sees a steady – oftentimes heavy – stream of human traffic since it opened, the testers were not as badly mangled as I’d expected them to be. They were plentiful and most were intact and largely in the right places. There are duplicates of testers at a few display stands and this is much appreciated, considering that some items are more frequently tested than others.

Cleansing items can be found at various stations in the store. Cotton rounds, makeup removers, nail polish removers are all available to clean off product.

The gift wrapping service counter in a little corner next to a shelf of Sephora bath and body lovelies is a sight to behold with its iridescent boxes, glistening wrappers and shiny ribbons. It is the norm for stores to offer free wrapping services but more often than not, you either have to purchase your own wrapping paper/boxes or use generic wrappers. Sephora’s wrapping materials are so beautiful, they up the amp of your gift immediately, giving it instant glamour and appeal.

The customer service was pleasant in general – I was offered a basket more than once and was cheerfully asked if I needed help…despite the busy hour and surging crowd. A third trip there unfortunately saw less friendly treatment; the SA brushed me off with a brusque ‘if it’s not there, it’s sold out!’, in response to my enquiry regarding Too Faced Shadow Insurance.

This item, by the way, has proved elusive for me – I read about people purchasing it easily and how it has been restocked but I keep missing it! I have half a mind to simply purchase it directly from the US. :P (Edited to add: I’ve since been able to find it and now have two!)

Here is a list of some of the many brands available at the Ngee Ann City Sephora outlet:

  • Bare Escentuals
  • Becca
  • Benefit
  • Biotherm
  • Bliss
  • Bond No. 9 fragrances
  • Boscia
  • Clarins
  • Clinique
  • Dior
  • Ed Hardy fragrances
  • Estée Lauder
  • Frederic Fekkai
  • Gianna Rose Atelier
  • Hourglass
  • John Masters Organics
  • Juice Beauty
  • Lancome
  • Living Nature
  • Make Up For Ever
  • Nvey Eco
  • Ole Henriksen
  • Oliviers & Co.
  • Pola
  • Pop Beauty
  • Rosebud Perfume Co. (makers of the famous Smith’s Rosebud Salve)
  • Sisley
  • Too Faced
  • Urban Decay

Sephora has its own line of cosmetics, makeup accessories, nail-related products, as well as bath and body items. A wide array of Sephora brand makeup items commands a fair amount of space in the centre of the store and more than one wall space is devoted to its bath and body products. I was especially taken by the futuristic-minimalistic look of the bubble bath bottles, not to mention their translucent rainbow hues.

Sephora is located opposite Harley Davidson at Basement 1 of Ngee Ann City, where Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf used to be.

Here are the store’s contact details:

Ngee Ann City
391 Orchard Road
Singapore 238872

Tel: +65 6836 5622/ +65 6836 5623
Fax: +65 6836 5621

Have you been to Sephora yet? What was your experience like?



  • sesame says:

    Nice review! Looks like they’re quite lax about picture taking now. That, or they’re too busy. I haven’t been back after the first preview…but I agree the service is quite good. I think the SA got tired of everyone asking about TFSI! Ha…

  • makeupmag says:

    Thanks, Sesame! :)

    The store was very crowded when I was there; I was fortunate to have been able to snap a few good shots. ;) The SA actually didn’t seem like she knew what I was talking about re: TFSI. Perhaps that’s why she was so brusque, hee! :P

  • The Casual Kitchener says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth! Where are the brands that made Sephora The Makeup Mecca? till it was pleasant shopping, especially since I'm so starved for makeup. Here in Jakarta we only have the usual department store brands (Cinique, Estee, Lancome, Christian Dior, Channel ???? & Mac) with only a store or two selling Shu. Boring! Sephora Singapore was a welcome treat.

  • makeupmag says:

    Is that you, Kat? *huggies*

    I’m so happy to see you here and oh, your blog is DELISH! I will need to savour it slowly. :)

    No NARS, UD, LM aside, Sephora SG isn’t so bad, really. :)

    Hey, at least you can still get your MAC fix in Jakarta. Look out for the Blonde, Brunette, Redhead collection!

    You still haven’t told me what you bought! *grins*

  • Ladie says:

    Well not to worry coz A flagship of sephora will be opened soon at the new ion orchard mall soon right.. I’m sure we will see more brands in the flagship store..

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Ladie,

    I am looking forward to it. :) I wrote about Sephora Ion here: ;)

  • anya says:

    you are right to point out the bad customer service .the sales ladies in Singapore are really snobbish and treat the customer not friendly .i wonder is it really the culture there. even in stores like top shops or Dorothy Perkins the customers services are terrible.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Anya,

      Unfortunately, we’re not known for our stellar CS. I have had good service from Topshop and Dorothy Perkins though. I hope you have a better experience the next time you shop at these establishments. :)

  • ABBY says:

    seems like Sephora Orchard’s loaded with many good stuffs ;) wonder if they have the Amazing Concealer in store! :)

  • zara says:

    would like to know if the new Dash perfume by Kim Kardashian is already in store?

  • AC says:

    Can I use the HD primer in the eye area?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi AC,

      Are you referring to the MUFE one? I’m not certain as I haven’t seen the ingredient list. It’s best to use an eye-specific primer for that sensitive area of our face though.

  • adel says:

    I totally agree with you that the prices in Sephora S’pore is higher than what available in US. One good example, Burt’s Bees’ Radiance Creme is SGD38 whereas my friend got it from US at only USD17.95, that’s about SGD15 difference, appalling!

  • sniffytuna says:

    awwhh!! no laura mercier!!!

  • orqngefirefly says:

    laura mercier is found in true colours, a shop at the b1 of takashimaya too. im not too sure if they have the full range of products though.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Orqngefirefly,

      I haven’t been there in ages but I believe the prices are quite high for LM products. :(

  • bluebangles says:

    Hi makeupmag,

    Great review! This and the one on the humongous Sephora at ion :-)
    Just wondering, when exactly did Sephora come to Singapore.. and do you have a review on the Great World City outlet as well?

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Bluebangles,

      Thank you! Sephora opened its doors here in December 2008. I haven’t been to the GWC store. :)

  • XY says:

    actually Laura Mercier has been available at ngee ann city for a very long time already.. it’s at a b1 store called true colours.. they also stock products from izu. I get all my Laura Mercier products from there.

  • XY says:

    haha… i guess win some lose some :'[ hahaha Sephora’s pretty overpriced too isn’t it : [ i got some mario badescu products from them.. and they cost a fraction of Sephora’s pricing online ._.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi XY,

      I know what you mean. Thankfully, there are some products that are somewhat reasonably priced at Sephora. :) Do wait for the periodic Sephora sales to stock up on MB and others! ;)

  • Nicole says:

    Hi There, I’m looking for Kevyn Aucoin products in Singapore – Sephora usually sells it in the US – do they stock here? I tried all department stores on Orchard Road with no luck!

  • Hi! i’m looking for the urban decay products. Thank God Singapore has Sephora. I’m from Malaysia, Sephora Malaysia is still under construction. So I want to ask how much the UDPP cost? Cos I want to started collect my money. It’s Sephora you know. Pheuuww. :) And can we get free sample from sephora? Thanks. :)

  • Kathryn.g says:

    Hi, may I know can I get Becca cosmestics in any Sephora in Singapore? I need their eye concealer urgently! Thanks!

  • Kathryn.g says:

    Thx 4 ur reply.
    Yea, i went to Sephora ION & Taka, couldn’t found that brand, so sad :-(
    i have to order online via becca website, but the shipping charges is dam expensive :-(

  • Doris Ng says:

    where can i find peggy sage crayon eyebrow pencil in singapore outlet

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Doris,

      I have no idea. It sounds familiar but I don’t think this brand is readily available in Singapore.

  • Rena says:

    Is there M.A.C counter in ngee ann sephora? Btw do u know whats the price for HD healthy foundation SPF 15 for SMASHBOX?


    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Rena,

      MAC has no counter at Sephora NAC; the MAC Pro store is a stone’s throw from Sephora, actually. I don’t know the price of the Smashbox foundation or if Sephora accepts Taka vouchers but you could call the store to check.

  • Rena says:

    Hi again,
    Sorry one more qns..would sephora in taka accept taka vouchers for purchasing cosmetics?


  • Dyla says:

    can i use the takashimaya voucher to buy your products?

  • Laura says:

    Hello! It will be my first time to go to singapore… Quick question.. Is ngee ann city shopping center the same with takashimaya shopping center? Thank you so much!! I be living at kinilley road, and google maps dont actually give much till better insight :)

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Laura,

      Takashimaya is located within Ngee Ann City. :) Killiney, located near Somerset MRT station is one train stop away from Orchard MRT station, where you’ll find Ion and NAC.

      Have fun while you’re here!

  • Meris says:

    Hi, will you guys bring in Taylor Swift’s Wonderstruck fragrance in October? And do you guys have Justin Bieber’s Someday fragrance?

  • Chloe says:

    I’m now trying to buy the Laura Mercier Tinted moisturizer in Singapore .. but i don’t know where to get it . That’z y, what i wanna know is, the Laura Mercier brand is now available at your shop or not ? If it is not avaible in SEPHORA, could you help me to tell me where i could get it . thanx anywayz :) :)

  • Wendy says:

    Hi, is Laura Mercier available in Singapore airport?

  • Hazel says:

    Hi! Do you know if they carry nail polish as well? Thanks!

  • Wendy says:

    Hi may i ask if taylor swift wonderstruck fragrance is available here alr? if not, when will it be coming to the sephora stores in singapore?? thanks.

  • ally says:

    Havent got the chance to drop by the store yet but will soon. Just enquiring if you do sell make up palletes as well? like 15pcs concealers and such.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Ally,

      I’ve yet to see dedicated concealer palettes at Sephora SG but they do carry house-brand shadow/lip/blush palettes.

  • Massy says:

    Hi Ally,

    Is it possible to get a sample of the makeup foundation/powder (lancome/make up forever/sephora/clinique) ? Before splurging $$$ on buying the branded make up?


    • makeupmag says:

      Hi Massy,

      I believe so! I’ve asked for samples before and they were given to me in Sephora sample jars. Do ask the BAs. :)

  • Massy says:


    the comment is for makeupmag!

  • Eugenia says:

    Hi Massy..

    Is there any Urban Decay naked palette 1 n 2 available in all Sephora stores? Thanks..

  • lollylisa says:

    hi what time does the store open?
    is there a naked palett and do you know how much it retails for?

  • Farhana Rahman says:

    hi,I livi in Singapore.I need a Make-up pallates contains eyeshadows,lipstick,blushers combination big pallate.But in Singapore this pallates I cant find anywhere.Can u please tell how I will get this kinda pallates in Singapore?Please reply.

  • syed yusof says:

    good morning…i am fm malaysia and i am interested in the flwg mario badescu products:
    Psa adv whether u have stock for these products and if not…can u order for me and courier to malaysia…i wl pay the charges…tq

  • jennelle says:

    Is hourglass out from sephora? Wanted to swatche some of their product but…: (

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