Majolica Majorca Eye Shadow Customize in SV821, GR129 and BL724

If you missed out on Lunasol EX01 Blue Green Coral, you could try to duplicate it with these three colours from Majolica Majorca‘s range of eyeshadow singles, Eye Shadow Customize (S$9.90).




MJ GR129, BL724, SV821

 Lunasol Blue Green Coral

As you can tell, the MJ teal isn’t as blue as that of the Lunasol but this can be easily rectified by layering BL724 over a blue cream/powder eyeshadow or blending a blue eyeshadow over it. This way, you will get the pretty teal of the Lunasol. I think it’s already very pretty on its own though! ;)

My photos were taken in different lighting so the contrast between them is more marked. They do bear a slight resemblance to each other in real life.

GR129 and BL724 are also good dupes for the teal and mint green in my beloved Kesalan Patharan Face Color in S5.

I teals!


  • Anonymous says:

    Are these 3 singles from MJ available in Singapore? :O

  • Yumeko/Bittenbefore says:

    wow i love that u posted dupes for it!!

    how do u store ur singles eyeshadows? i can never work out how to store and rmeember to use them

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Anon,

    Yes, they are all available in SG; I wrote their price (S$9.90) in the post. ;)

  • makeupmag says:

    Hey Yumeko!

    I store my makeup in non-descript wooden chests of drawers from Ikea. With singles, they’re usually stacked. You should take a look at Iris’s storage system; very organised.

    I love singles, by the way. I love seeing the colours. Unlike you, when they’re in a palette, I tend to neglect them!

  • Haru says:

    Hi Mag!

    I haven’t used my MJ singles in forever! I just prefer the palettes, although the singles do have some very pretty sades.

    Have you seen the new Clarins spring palette? It’s out at the counters, retailing for S$70 and there’re some lovely shades in them, including a teal.

  • makeupmag says:

    Iris – I neglect a few of my pretties too but I’m trying to use them this year, as well as open stuff I’ve saved. ;) Have you considered swapping/selling them…or like me, cannot bear to? Hehe!

    Thanks for the info re: the Clarins. Off to Google it!

  • Teresa says:

    Hi Yumeko!

    I was quite sad when i missed out on the lunasol blue green coral. Went out to get these 3 MJ singles, and they are reeli good dupes!The gradation from the grn to the teal is reeli pretty!Thanks for the tip!

  • makeupmag says:

    You’re welcome, Teresa! I’m glad these dupes are working for you. The MJ shadows are truly beautiful! :)

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