Sephora Singapore Update

Sighted instore:
Estée Lauder, Clinique, Clarins, Lancome and Pola, as well as the usual fragrance brands. Sigh! Aside from Pola, which isn’t available country-wide, it was a disappointment to see a rehash of the brands we can easily find at any departmental store, not to mention neighbourhood beauty shops.

Take heart though, Sephora@Ngee Ann City will definitely be carrying Too Faced and Becca! I’m looking forward to testing Too Faced’s Shadow Insurance and the Becca cream blushes that I hear so much about.

The store will, of course, carry its eponymous makeup products there is a big counter aka play-area filled with themand its much loved train case (in silver). I cannot wait to see the latter in person, especially since I already own one of their black ones, which has served me well for years! Sturdy, stylish and easy to clean, this is a favourite for makeup storage.

Sadly, there will be no NARS. :( There is no confirmation as yet on Urban Decay, Laura Mercier, Cargo or Smashbox but we can still hope, yes?

PS: The store is aiming to open quietly on 17 December; 19 December being the date of the official launch. I won’t be able to be there on that day so if you’re in the vicinity, drop by and let me know all about it!


  • chris says:

    Should have guess NARS won’t be available, there’s prob a sole distributor in Singapore. =(

    I hope they open on 17 December, coz I’ll be heading down to run some errands that day, prob can drop by and take alook! =D

    Pleasseee, Laura Mercier, Urban Decay and Smashbox come to Sephora@NgeeAnnCity!!

  • sesame says:

    No NARS? Yikes! I like Two Faced. Hope the range is extensive. ;)

  • sesame says:

    Btw, how do you know they’re planning to open quietly on 17 Dec? I’m planning to have a haircut which is at NA City and if this is true, I’m gonna re-schedule it to that day. ;)

  • makeupmag says:


    True Colours used to carry it but they no longer do. If there is indeed a sole distributor, they ought to make themselves known; so many people are wanting NARS here! ;)

    Let me know what you see instore. :)

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Sesame!

    According to Rouge Deluxe, Too Faced’s prices are crazily marked up. :(* I would’ve loved to buy the Shadow Insurance but I think CPs may be the way to go.

    Let me know what you see/buy there!

    PS: I spoke to one of the reps.

  • Anonymous says:

    Will there by any givenchy products available at sephora :/ dying for one of those stuffs!

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Anon,

    You can find Givenchy at Metro Paragon and Isetan Scotts. ;)

  • Renee says:

    Hi everyone,

    One of my friends was at Sephora today and texted me that it was a huge let down and she was eagerly looking for NARS but there wasn’t any! She also said that it looks like any other makeup store but there were 2 new brands, she didn’t say which though. She also said the store was pretty small.


    I’ll have to check it out for myself, and personally demand they bring in NARS hahaha!

    Tomorrow, Dec 19th, is supposed to be the ‘official’ opening so I really hope more stuff will come in, just thought i’d give an update for now!


  • ParisB says:

    Ooh I’m curious to see what else is available at your Sephora. I wasn’t too keen on Becca as a brand when it was here and if its just a rehash of other brands readily available, its going to be such a disappointment no? Still, I’ll be glad of any updates :)

  • sesame says:

    Hey, I’ve finally visited the store today. I’ve also got an update on my blog if you like to read it.

  • chris says:

    I went over the weekend. It’s a huge disappointment! They carry alot of brands that are easily available outside, boring. Even their fragrance brands! You can get those from SASA! *sigh* Beside those that are listed on Rouge Deluxe, you can find i.d. bareMinerals, their house brand, Frederic Fekkai, sisley and benefit (which you can find elsewhere)… Disappointed.

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Chris!

    I think they could’ve done so much more with the store. They prolly chose to play safe with the better-known brands. Perhaps they did some market research and found that those brands appealed to many Singaporeans?

    I don’t know…I do know that for SG to be recognised as a beauty hub, we have to avail the region of more niche/as-yet-unavailable-here brands!

  • makeupmag says:

    Hey Sesame,

    Thanks for the link! ;) You’re lucky to have found TFSI. :D

  • makeupmag says:


    How do you feel about our Sephora now that you know what’s available? ;) There are some very nice things to be found, honestly, even though there is a dearth of the much-wanted brands!

    Here is a more comprehensive update:

  • makeupmag says:


    Thanks for dropping by…and for your update. :) We need to petition Sephora SG to bring in NARS! :P

  • Melissa Miller says:

    Is nars available or still not???

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