Gransenbon, where art thou?

A friend’s text message and a call to Watsons conveyed the disappointing news that Gransenbon has yet to arrive on our shores.

According to the Watsons representative, it will be available soon but she could not give me a date as yet. She did say that its arrival was confirmed, seeing as it is that the brand has appeared in the Watsons Christmas catalogue.

As the catalogue bears the date range ’20 Nov – 24 Dec 2008′, we can expect Gransenbon to be available any time between those dates!


  • ParisB says:

    I’ve been watching this with interest since I like Japanese brands. No news of it arriving on Malaysian shores though. I’d be sure to check it out the next time I’m in Singapore

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Paris!

    Thanks for dropping by. You have to take a look at these. MY already has MJ, among other good brands; I’m certain it’d be there very soon!

    I really like how the blushes give new meaning to the word ‘compact’. The casing is very pretty and they are truly little blush cakes of joy!

    As a Blush Queen, I think you’d enjoy them. ;)

    There is a fair amount of flyaway powder though, so be warned! :P

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