other musings

New Pilot Frixion Point Pens

New Pilot Frixion Point Pens


I’ve come to realise that people who love makeup usually have a soft spot for stationery. I’m one of them, of course; notebooks, letter pads, pencils and pens – they all hold a special allure. While I love my graphite pencils (they shade well on face charts), I…

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Rilakkuma iPhone Case

Rilakkuma iPhone Case


Given my penchant for confectionery and rainbows, there was no way I could’ve resisted this case! At slightly under S$31, it isn’t the cheapest of iPhone cases but the cheery words and images make me smile. Here is my phone next to my hubby’s (I’d given him the…

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Meiji Paigen

Meiji Paigen


My hubby’s latest obsession is hunting down bottles of Meiji Paigen, thanks to the current 2 for S$1.50 offer at selected 7-11 stores (their usual price is S$1.20 each). A probiotic drink much like Yakult and Vitagen, these 180 ml bottles resemble – but are much bigger than…

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Fujiya Chocolates

Fujiya Chocolates


I bought this bunch of Fujiya choccies for my family yesterday, thanks to the Baskin Robbins one that caught my eye at Yamakawa (I miss this ice cream brand and wish that it would return to Singapore *sigh*). I ended up buying the other three – New York…

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