beauty accessories

Palette’s Sweet Street Mugs

Palette’s Sweet Street Mugs


Relatively new to the San-X stable of cute character themes, Palette’s Sweet Street centres on an intrepid black cat which traipses a street replete with colourful goodness.  Among other lovely things, it comes across delectable-looking confectionery and pretty beauty accessories on its ambulatory adventures. I’m not sure about…

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Rilakkuma Vinyl Bag

Rilakkuma Vinyl Bag


If you are a fan of San-X’s Rilakkuma and vinyl bags, you might like this clear cutie of a carry-all for your beauty accessories. Priced reasonably at S$24.65, this sweet little case is printed with colourful fruits (the kiwi slice = ☺) and peripheral characters from the series…

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A Small but Necessary Muji Haul

A Small but Necessary Muji Haul


Combining function with simplicity, the clean aesthetics of Muji products always make me browse and linger in the store, even when I have nothing to buy. The last time I was there, however, I emerged with three little plastic items: two spray bottles with different nozzles and a…

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