Giveaway | Cure Natural Aqua Gel & Cure Water Treatment Skin Cream

This year, Cure Natural Aqua Gel celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Over the past decade, it has consistently been lauded for its ability to gently remove dead skin cells, encouraging cell renewal to keep the face looking smooth and feeling soft.

With a bottle sold every 12 seconds in Japan, this popular skincare product is the top-selling facial exfoliant in Watsons Singapore. Proof of its efficacy lies in the fact that it has achieved this with zero advertisements. (Though I’d say that blogger endorsements and the like have worked wonders for its sales.)

Toyo Life Service, the company that makes the gel, also produces Cure Water Treatment Skin Cream.

This lightweight moisturiser was specially formulated for its staff whose hands had become dry from dealing with cardboard boxes daily. It is not available for sale to the public but is sometimes given away with the exfoliator.

Here’s your chance to win a set of Cure Natural Aqua Gel & Cure Water Treatment Skin Cream.

All you have to do is:

1. Follow Makeup Stash! on Facebook or Twitter.

2. Follow Cure on Facebook.

3. Leave a comment in this post, sharing any skincare tip you might have.


  • This contest is open to Singapore residents only.
  • This contest will close on 4 July 2012 at midnight.
  • Winners will be randomly drawn.
  • Winners will be notified via email.
  • The sets will be couriered to the homes of the winners.
  • If there is no acknowledgement within three days, another winner will be picked.

To mark this milestone achievement,  the brand will also be giving away 600 tubes of Cure Water Treatment Skin Cream.

All you have to do is purchase a bottle of Cure and email your particulars and a photo of your purchase receipt to by 23 July 2012.

Winners will be announced weekly on the Cure Facebook page from now till 27 July 2012.

Good luck!

Image and video source: Cure

And the winner is:


Congratulations, you will be contacted via email!

A gentle reminder: Please respond within three days.
If you do not do so, I will have to pick another winner.


  • marta says:

    It’s not fair! ;)

  • Sochii says:

    Twitter holder: @sochii_andelia

    Tip : refrain from rubbing eyes as this might break blood vessels and cause dark eye circles to form

  • Saralyn says:

    Many products that you use while sleeping, will be very effective in hydrating, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and brightening. Your skin will feel refreshed the next morning! :)

  • jessie sng says:

    Drinks lots of water to remain hydrated and keep your skin supple and fresh.

  • Jan says:

    Drink lots of water and don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

  • Veronica says:

    avoid drinking too much water before you sleep to prevent puffy eyes the next morning!

  • Ruiting says:

    MUST go through at least the 3 basic steps of cleansing, toning and moisturizing day & night. Put on sunscreen everyday. Drink lots of water to hydrate your body and helps in cleansing the body system in order to have a healthier self and thus, healthier skin.

  • Tan Janette says:

    I plant Aloe Vera and use freshly cut Aloe Vera to calm and soothe my sensitive skin ^_ ^

  • Fiona says:

    thanks for the giveaway!

    skincare tip: use baby wipes to remove makeup if you run out of makeup remover as baby wipes contains loads of moisturiser which will help to remove makeup effectively yet gentle!

  • Slj Slk says:

    Don’t keep late nights. Sleep early and get at least 8 hours of beauty sleep.

  • Frond says:

    don’t wash your face too often, it changes the pH value of the skin and might strip it of much needed oil which can result in even oiler skin as a result.

    always always wash off all makeup before you sleep at night… don’t be lazy *grin*

  • Yvonne says:

    Reapply sunscreen, especially when outdoors, don’t rely on the one application early in the morn!!

  • Kaori says:

    Treat acne with Witch Hazel if Tea Tree Oil doesn’t do the trick! :)

  • Katen Yeo says:

    Skin care tip: exfoliate twice a week for better absorption of products. Drink lot of water!!

  • Karin Yong says:

    Exfoliate our skin once a week, for better preparation of absorbing of skin care product into our skin.

  • Ros says:

    Skincare tip: use those water mist (evian, avene, la roche posay, etc) to replace toner, it is surprisingly good. :)

  • Emily Lam says:

    Followed on Facebook :)
    Tip: Always remove any make-up before you go to bed. You wouldn’t want any stuff to clog your pores >.<

  • Kelly says:

    When applying ( lotion, sunscreen, foundation (if you don’t use a brush) .. ) use your hands in a upward motion instead of a downward motion. Instead, it helps to prevent your face from sagging. Also, Having enough sleep is very important too ! (:

  • memoiselle says:

    Hi Mag, here’s a tips from me:
    don’t forget to apply moisturizer and sunblock every day. When reaching home, dont forget to remove your make up and cleanse your face. It’s very important to make sure that your skin in clean and healthy :)

  • Jun says:

    twitter : xCre_

    Use a cold metal spoon of low temperature and put it on your eyebags to reduce puffiness of eyes

  • Jason says:

    Eat well and drink well.

  • Anne says:

    Never sleep with makeup on, and drinks tons of water in the daytime to hydrate the skin! Lastly, use clarsonic mia to brush your face!

  • Lee Xing says:

    FB: Lee Xing
    Use egg white as a facial mask followed by Rose water toner after removal! :) Skin will feel tight and hydrated

  • Austine Catallo says:

    Twitter: @AU5T1N3
    FB: Austine Catallo

    Wear a hydrating facial mask to sleep, and wake up with clear, radiant skin! Also, drink tons of water, freshly squeezed juice, green tea, barley water, etc. They’re awesome for making your skin glow from within!

  • Iris says:

    Fb: Florencia Iris Tamara

    Protect lips by drinking lots of water and use lipsticks with a sunscreen to get a healthy lips (:

  • Fifi says:

    Even when staying indoor, don’t forget to put on sunscreen to protect skin from harmful rays.

  • Tiffany says:

    always put on sunscreen (SPF30, +++); use Cure to exfoliate followed by moisturizing mask, at least once a busy week; I only put on blusher and eye concealer, without foundation/powder, so I think minimize the use of (heavy) make up might be helpful :) cheers!

  • Jenny Soo says:

    followed on facebook for makeupstash and cure! My tip would be to moisturize skin within 5 minutes after bath to ensure maximum absorption of the moisturizer.

  • Peiying says:

    Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and use Cure!(:

  • lc says:

    steer clear of alcohol, cigarettes and late nights!

  • Beth says:

    Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water and green tea! :-)

  • Mandy says:

    keep your hands away from your face unless you just washed them clean to reduce pimples. (ie no resting your jaw on your hand)

  • Ice says:

    Followed on facebook!
    Drink green tea often as it contains antioxidants!

  • chibi says:

    exfoliate at least once a week and use a moisturizing mask thereafter.
    always be sure to remove dead skin cells else no matter how good a product you use, your skin will not absorb it too.

  • Fonny says:

    Tips: Use yogurt as face mask. It’s cheap, refreshing, hydrating and yummy at the same time.

  • Koreen says:

    Do you know that, we need to cleanse our face three times a day! One in the morning, one when u came back and one when you sleep!! A makeup artist taught me when I went for a makeup class!! It’s seems ain’t troublesome but it’s works and it’s very common sense when u think about it!!! Lastly of cos, I would love to win this awesome CURE product giveaway! Heard a lot of good things about it!!

  • Grace Yeo says:

    I add one to two drops of grapeseed oil to my night moisturizer. It helps to tighten & tone my skin, lighten brown spots on the right side of my cheek and repair the skin tissues.

  • Michelle Cheang says:

    twitter: goldtwillight

    Tip: dont wash off ur cleanser immediately. leave facial wash on your face while bathing. your face will feel extra soft and clean after that!

  • Farah says:

    when sleeping,i always sleeping facing upwards,instead of sleeping to the side.the gravity will pull the skin while you sleeping thus reducing the chance of sagging and keep your face firm.

  • mandy says:

    My skincare routine is a huge mess unfortunately so the only tip I have would be to be consistent with the 4 steps: cleanse, tone, moisturize and apply sunblock!

  • joey says:

    Always have a habit to use a toner to maintain the ph level of the skin. :D
    Plus never touch your face with dirty hands.

    Joey <3

  • Wendy says:

    My skincare tip is to have a good skincare regime(Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise,Sunblock,Scrub/Exfoliator, masks), exercise regularly and take good care of yourself – Stay happy and be cheerful!

  • bong says:

    i have acne prone (oily) + sensitive skin which is a rather big headache when it comes to skincare routine. Therefore, I always make sure I do this particular skin care routine twice a week:

    – Exfoliate with a daily exfoliating scrub
    – Remove blackheads using a blackhead mask set
    – Apply pore tightening essence
    – Give my face a good spray of facial spray to reduce any sensitivity!

    This pretty much keep my skin clear from acne and pimples, it also greatly reduces my blackheads and whiteheads. Giving my skin a smoother texture!

    FB: 秀鳳 (Bong)
    Twitter: @rubbishbong

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