The Daiso Sponge Detergent in Action

I recently washed a cream blush-smeared sponge and a foundation-stained Etude House Dual Fibre Cheek Brush with some Daiso Detergent for Puff and Sponge (the name cracks me up a little – without the esses, it sounds like a soap for puffing and sponging).

I squirted some of the liquid into an Ikea Galej tealight holder the perfect size for washing these items – and diluted it with some water before dipping the tools into the mixture.

The bristles on the Etude House brush are synthetic, so I didn’t have qualms about using the cleanser with it. Do not use the detergent with delicate brushes; it may damage them as it is not formulated for brush-cleansing.

As I was formatting the photo above, I realised that the brand’s name is upside down on the brush, thanks to my left-handedness. ;)

Clean and near-pristine in less than five minutes, it’s amazing how quickly the cream blush and foundation washed out from the tools!


  • LyNn says:

    i have this too!
    it works!
    cheap and great beauty find. :)

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Lynn,

    I love how it cleans my synthetic brushes and lightly-soiled sponges in a jiffy!

  • jan says:

    Hey Lynn & makeupnag,

    oh you guys got Poster alrdy?
    what sizes its?

    OOO yes… products from Etude really great…..not so expensive too.

    • makeupmag says:

      Hello Jan,

      I don’t have the poster and won’t be getting it (I like Lee Min Ho’s acting but don’t consider myself a fan). There are some beauty winners in the Etude House range of products! Check out the peach-scented products and the eyeshadows. :)

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