Here are two recent EOTDs with this palette:
As an all-over base, I used either the Guerlain 144 that I received earlier this year or Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Both are unobtrusive eyeshadow bases that allow other colours to shine. The Guerlain has soft pink tones and contains microshimmer, while the Too Faced is flesh-toned and has no shimmer at all.
From lash line to socket indent, I applied Benefit Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow in Skinny Jeans. Skinny Jeans is a stunning pewter that brings out the accent shades in B-3. It is also budgeproof, allowing the smokes to last and last. It is an excellent base, both in terms of colour and tenacity.
To line, I used MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil in Feline, together with Gosh Velvet Touch Waterproof Eye Liner in Black Ink as they impart strength of colour and a fadeproof quality, respectively.
All these products combine wonderfully with B-3 to make an intense and lasting smokey eye.
ooh!! very pretty! :D It’s like glamorous black
Oooh you look so gorgeous!!! What lip product did you use to finish the look?
Hi Connie!
Thanks for dropping by. You do know I really enjoy seeing your wonderful eyes/faces? :)
Hello Karebear!
How have you been? Thank you for the compliment (I actually looked tired…hehe, hence the small pic :P)!
I used MAC Lustre in Quiet, Please and paired it with a light layer of the Lise Watier lippy I received in MEMMU 2008. I think the latter is named Coco.
The plum pink (Coco) over the slick nude (Quiet, Please) made an easy nude lip with just a hint of colour. :)