Welcome to the fourth and final Makeup Stash! Christmas 2009 Giveaway. Thank you for your warm participation in the first, second and third ones! ♥
I truly appreciate your replies in the last giveaway post. I enjoyed reading each response and was touched by some – they will lift me out of the blogging doldrums when they strike (believe me, good blogging takes effort). :)
This week’s gifts come courtesy of I Nuovi Professional, Beauty Carousel, Soap ‘n Sorbet and Stage Cosmetics. They are:
I Nuovi Colours D36 in Lumina (not pictured; the one in the photo is a different blush)
K-Palette Real Lasting 1 Day Volume Enhancing Mascara in 01 Jet Black
A travel-sized jar of LaLicious Island Guava Sugar Soufflé Moisturizing Body Scrub
Stage Cosmetics Wonderkiss Lipcréme
Lumina is a cool-toned pink beige that is perfect as a soft highlighter. It is one of my favourites from I Nuovi and I hope it becomes yours too. The K-Palette mascara is a good everyday mascara that will subtly yet visibly enhance your lashes. If you like a moisturising but scrubby scrub, this LaLicious scrub will suit you. I particularly like it as a foot scrub. :) I’m not sure which Wonderkiss Lipcréme you’ll be receiving but you will probably like the texture and colour pay-off of these creamy lipsticks. ;)
To participate in this contest, simply answer this:
“What are your beauty hopes / resolutions for 2010?”
Four readers will be picked randomly to receive these items; each person will receive one gift only. Leave a valid email address so that you can be contacted. If you do not reply within three days, I will pick another winner.
Each giveaway will last one week and is open to SINGAPORE RESIDENTS only.
Show your support for the lovely sponsors by clicking on the logos below to join their Facebook pages or to browse their websites.
If you like what you read on this blog, do follow Makeup Stash! on Twitter for more makeup musings and be a fan on Facebook as well. :)
My beauty hopes and resolutions for 2010 is to maintain my beauty regime and ensure that it stays that way. Another beauty resolution is to constantly throw out makeup essentials such as liquid eyeliner and mascaras out after a certain period of time as this has been known to increase bacterial growth and whatnot. Beauty does not come cheap and i hope to invest in better beauty essentials for the year 2010.
to have super clear skin in 2010! no more breakouts!
to have clearer and fairer skin!
my beauty hopes: as im finishing my couse of roaccutane, im hoping to maintain my current skin standard and minimise breakouts especially during that time of the month.
beauty resolutions: to find a HG foundation that does not contain silica, since i’ve recently discovered that it causes breakouts. also to stop buying blush (i have tons!) until i actually hit pan on one :)
my beauty hopes/resolutions will be to lose some chubbiness from my face if not i look like a pau! =X and also to lighten the acne marks on my face. :)
to take leave every month and turn up promptly for my facial treatment!! In return, I hope to achieve a snow white skin tone + non-obvious freckles + I desperately want those chicken-leg spots under my eyes to VANISH pls !!!
Ah..I just hope to stop mistreating my skin by guinea-pig testing it /overload it with skincare. I hope to be more diligent and disciplined in upkeeping my skincare regime
I want to try more range of pore minimiser to reduce my huge pore! And of course no more breakout.. (I got it under control for a yr now and hopefully it will stay ^__^)
my beauty hopes and resolutions are to find an effective anti-aging skincare set for myself. as i’m crawling to 30 soon, i don’t want my skin to age faster than i do!
beauty hopes: get back my 2008 clean/almost flawless skin!, healthier and glowy skin.
beauty resolutions: buy less makeup (especially mascara. i’m a loser at that), try every means to get my beauty hope, start using/finishing my MAC products so i can finally B2M.
thanks for the giveaway!
Oh oh please … better skin! *hands clasped in prayer mode*
I hope to find a foundation that is not expensive & does not cause my skin breakout.
I hope to be able to improve my skin condition than what is before and to be more daring, adventurous and experimental in my makeup
my beauty hope is that every woman will know the importance of incorporating sunblock into their beauy regime :) It keeps the wrinkles at bay.
to have skin wif lesser outbreak, less oily…
to buy lesser comestic until i finish all those unopened / unused one ( i simply love to purchase them and keep until my bf keep scolding me now le :<)
I hope to keep up my exercises so I can maintain a healthy glow, even in my mid-30’s right now.
I want to resolve from proding on my pimples which I get during period-days.
my beauty resolution is not to use beauty products that are tested on animals.
Animals are exploited in every way possible in today’s world: from food, to fur to cosmetics.
Please let them be the way they are. We did not create them and hence we do not have the rights to abuse or kill them.
Stop animal cruelty people!!!!!!!!!!!
Use products that are not tested on animals!
It is better for your skin health and for the animal too.
I will brush up my makeup skills and maintain a healthy skincare regime to have a better complexion.
“What are your beauty hopes / resolutions for 2010?”
I hope to invest more time in the wellbeing and physical appearance of my skin. Working & studying at the same time has resulted in my lack of effort in focusing on my skin. I’ve literally let myself go & chose to prioritize on other areas such as work & school. It would be be one of the best decision of my life to finally be able take care of myself well.
Nora S. Bhangi
I hope to find the HG foundation/BB cream that doesn’t cause me breakouts and to improve my skin condition, i.e. getting rid of all the hideous pimples and little rashes on my face. I want to look better and more confident in the coming year….
I hope for motivation to exercise regularly. I noticed a difference in my skin when I stop exercising for some time. Would also like to cut down on fast food, which would probably be the most difficult task to do.
For 2010, I would love to lose all that extra weight. Hope to save enough money for a trip. Find out all my HG. Look out for more make up items. Learn how to apply eyeshadow and blending. So many things actually! Thanks anyway girl! ;)
my beauty hope: to have skin that glows and radiates health cos right now I think it’s quite dull and lifeless. Also need to find a skincare regime to reduce my oily T-zone.
my beauty resolution: to resist temptation and haul less to save money cos 2009 has been THE year of hauling for me, so much so that I’m super broke right now. Why in the world do I have more than 50 blushes in my stash? Lol!!
I hope and aim to have beautiful supple skin as I move into my thirties. I want to stay young and motivated mentally, emotionally and physically.
Like most, I hope my skin will clear up of all comedones! Plus, I need to find ‘the’ facial cleanser for my combination skin.
My beauty resolution is to finish using my collection of masks to maintain a supple and smooth complexion!
buy less of everything!!
My resolution is to start putting my stash on rotation, as I have far too much and need to start using things up! I hope that, for this year, I will able to spend more wisely on beauty items and learn to make the most of what I have :)
I want to be smarter..so I can spend wisely:)
Lesser breakouts!! Solution: less choco, find a suitable product to use!
I aim to have clearer skin and get rid of my old pimple scars!
Beauty hopes for 2010 – is to Hope no more… Taking Action is way better than Hoping :P So, start the routine to be beautiful, stay beautiful, feel beautiful…
I hope acne will stay clear from me, been having acne issues since I’m 18 and I’m turning 22 soon! Seriously hope they will clear up and doesn’t have oily skin issues anymore. :)
Hope to have youthful, fawless and radiant skin in 2010
My skin since to be turn dull when age grow older :(
I hope to have clear and beautiful skin free from blemishes.
hope to save enough money to go for laser to get rid of those pigmentation on my skin to obtain flawless and radiant skin ;)
My beauty hopes are that I will have fairer and smoother skin and most importantly pimpeless skin.
My resolutions are that I have to stop being lazy and start to learn to take care my skin more if not I will look just like a grandmother :'(
Lastly, thank you makeupstash for your wonderful giveaways and lastly, a belated Happy New Year to you. :D
My beauty hopes and resolutions for this year to try to minimize the pore size and also be more diligent with my regular regime.
My beauty hopes will be to get better and clear skin, have been surviving bad skin for like 5 years until I went on medication. Everything’s better now except the scars. Didn’t dare put on much makeup in fear of irritating the skin, but now I want to learn ! And that’s my resolution for this year.
To have more radiance skin! Go away dull skin!
I think it’s important to have clearer skin complexion well it will make you look younger too.
I hope to find a skincare regime which is attainable and gives results!
I hope that i will not suffer anymore big breakouts like in 2009
One of my beauty hopes and resolutions for 2010 is to ensure I consistently apply sunscreen on my face AND my body when i go out. I realised that my skin is no longer as elastic, line-free and pore-free as compared to my 20s, and sun damage is one of the major causes. I’m determined to put in effort to minimise damage from UV rays. In addition, I hope to use topical products to lighten the freckles on my cheeks and acheive a more even skin tone.
Lol, I hope to spend less on makeup. Spent far too much the last year. Also resolve to sticking to my skin care regimen instead of slacking off when I’m too tired after work.
Mine is to be less lazy to use skincare and makeup products! Will try to spend more time and effort to use them. (:
Cos’ there’s no ugly women, only lazy women!
Thanks for the final giveaway babe!
Finding a suitable skincare regime and learning more about eye makeup! :)
never have to squeeze yet another white head / black head / pimple / acne ever again…and yes, less botox too :)
i just want to have a clearer complexion, hopefully able to get rid of my acne scars!!!
no more pimples!!!
to find a suitable skincare regime and makeup to improve my skin’s condition and getting rid of acne completely!