Here is the third Makeup Stash! Christmas 2009 Giveaway. Thank you for your warm participation in the first and second ones! ♥ Christmas is just three days away, so this week’s pressies have been specially chosen to bring you holiday beauty joy. :) This week’s gifts come courtesy of DHC, Beauty Carousel, I Nuovi Professional, and Soap ‘n Sorbet. They are:
One box of DHC Collagen Beauty 7000+
Be one of the first to try this newly-launched health supplement. ;) I’m personally stoked that DHC offered a box of this collagen drink…that’s TEN bottles!
Gransenbon Gran Brush in 12 Peach Rose
Gransenbon is one of those cult brands that I never get tired of. Peach Rose has a sprinkling of shimmer and delivers a healthy glow.
I Nuovi Megalips Velvetshine in Harajuku Chic
If you’re cool-toned, this versatile lip gloss duo should be yours. I’ve used it on several clients who love it for its beautiful shades and ease of wear.
Steam Cream in Blanc
The raves are plentiful for this multi-purpose moisturiser with a unique formulation method. This is an excellent opportunity for you to see what the fuss is all about, not to mention own the pretty tin.
I love reading comments from my readers and I’d really like to know what you think of Makeup Stash!. It would be wonderful to have your feedback after almost a year and a half into blogging. :)
So as a Christmas present to me and to participate in this contest, simply answer this:
“How did you learn about Makeup Stash! and what do you like about it?”
If you like what you read on this blog, do follow Makeup Stash! on Twitter for more makeup musings and be a fan on Facebook as well. :)
Four readers will be picked randomly to receive these items; each person will receive one gift only. Leave a valid email address so that you can be contacted. If you do not reply within three days, I will pick another winner.
Each giveaway will last one week and is open to SINGAPORE RESIDENTS only.
Show your support for the lovely sponsors by clicking on the logos below to join their Facebook pages or to browse their websites.
found makeupstash when i was surfing on Ed Pinaud eyeshadow giveaway by L’Officiel. found your website really up-to-date with the latest promotion and product reviews. Keep it up!
i googled and happened to drop by makeupstash with lots of useful information on beauty products. LOVE IT!
Got to know about makeupstash through soap n sorbet! Love this website cus of the great reviews and giveaways! :)
Through googling! LOL
It was the first updated blog to update me with the first etude house outlet which was going to be opened in singapore for the first time!From then on i subscribed to ur blog,reading fab posts n reviews of diff kinds of new released cosmetic products XD
I learnt of Makeup Stash! from Yahoo as I was searching for beauty blogs and it came up as a result! What I liked about here is the reviews! Thanks so much for that! =D
I found out about this very informative site while googling for the brands being brought into the then-about-to-open Sephora @ Ion Orchard. This place is very informative, with many previews of the products & brands to be launched in local stores. Plus, generous with the giveaways! Keep it up!
I was googling on beauty blogs and came across your blog.
Your blog is quite informative hence i love to check out your blog whenever i want to try a new product. As you see, my face is acne proned and sensitive so i am very particular with the products i am using. So far, your valuable comments have save my face from rotting further. In fact,they have become much more better. Thumbs up!
I found about this on twitter, i saw a retweet about this makeup stash and checked it out, and i think its cool cause i get to know more about this kinda stuff (who else would update me on these kinda things)… i suppose. :) I would like the I Nuovi Megalips Velvetshine in Harajuku Chic
i don’t quite exactly remember how i bumped into this blog but i believe i was googling on a review (which i forgot what) and decided to follow it. i like this blog as this is a Singapore-based blog which would be easy for me to serve as reference and be updated with the beauty happenings in Singapore.
I found Makeupstash by chance and bookmarked the site bcos I found the site interesting. Theres always infomation on new items like reviews and items that not out in the market. Its a site that I view everyday without fail to check for updates. (: Thanks for the giveaway, and for creating this awesome site!
Found your wonderful makeupstash website when I was looking for eye shadow recommendation via google search! Keep in touch with the “give away” and reviews! Thanks for the effort =)
Opps! Forgot to state what I would like to have for my Christmas present . I would like to have “Gransenbon Gran Brush in 12 Peach Rose”. Bet this sweet color will suit me very well =)
I was googling for reviews on makeup stuff and came across makeupstash website and I was really amazed by the reviews and information available on thie website :)
It really help me in saving some money ‘cos the reviews were certainly very helpful but at the same time i got to try alot more products as well :)
I followed makeupstash from the old LJ blog!
Anyway, what I liked about this website: It’s fast becoming my one-stop beauty reference site for Singapore! It has pretty extensive coverage from drugstore to counter to etailer makeup, skincare and tools. Confession: I sometimes come back to peep at pictures of magazine GWPs, before convincing myself that I *need* them!
I find myself turning to this website for unbiased reviews, and sometimes, how to get the most out of, say, an eyeshadow palette. And I really, really appreciate the very informative articles that you have churned out earlier this year (esp the one about why and how to use white eyeliner!)
Thanks for creating and maintaining this website, and I am looking forward to more awesome stuff from your stash next year! :)
how did I find you… a parenting email list and TTTTs… ;)
would love love love to have the I Nuovi lipgloss… I did like it when u used it on me the other day :D
found ur website through tua lobang and was impressed by the depth of content and also totally pumped that u r singapore-based and that what u write about will be available here!! Keep up the great job!!!!!!!!!!
I was surfing random beauty blogs and stumbled upon this site. I found I liked the updates on makeup brands in sg and the personal posts about what makeup you used and liked and when you finished a product,so I ended up bookmarking! Thanks for holding this giveaway. :)
can’t remember how exactly I found Probably found it through a banner advertisement off someone’s personal site.
I like the products you guys recommend because they seem really sweet and I’m new to beauty products so your site has helped me a lot by exposing me to the different types of products around without having to google them one by one and finding out through experience, etc. Saves a lot of my time!
If possible, I’d like to have Gransenbon Gran Brush in 12 Peach Rose for my X’mas present! I am just short of a blusher for now! Thanks~
I can’t remember how I found your blog… it either thru another local blogger or thru google (I think I search under Singapore beauty blog) last year.
I have been checking out your blog ever since <3
I found this site through the watson fb.. where I saw a lot of comments link to this site. And ever since, I have been following up with updates and reviews.. checking out the latest and raves products before deciding what to buy!
got to know Makeup Stash from Tua Lobang and I love it coz I’m a make up junkie :)
I saw it through a link and I have been loving it since then. All the makeup reviews and especially the new products that come out. Extreemly useful to a person new to makeup. Thank you Makeup stash and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ^^
Lol, my memory is pretty fuzzy. Think I came here from a link in haru’s rougedeluxe blog.
As for why I routinely check out the site – I really like the reviews which I find more informative than most. For when you want something more than oh-it’s-such-a-pretty-shade-of-purple. Plus, most of the products can be found in sg. It’s great to see something interesting on the site and go down and swatch/test it out for yourself the next day.
I got to know about your blog early this year thru another blogger whom I can’t remember anymore. Makeup Stash! caught my attention with all your hauls’ pics & reviews on products which are mostly accessible in Singapore as well as news of local sales.
Keep up the good work!
Advanced festive well-wishes to you, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
I found Makeup Stash when I was researching about Etude House.
Found this site very informative and I love reading about all the new and upcoming products from various brand.Beside these,Makeup stash is also very up-to-date and never failed to keep me updated with the beauty world!
Hi Mag, i was going crazeeee for Etude House when i found your website – the page where you have the price list of the items? and then i got hooked. You’re always posting some deal or something new up! And i learnt about Gransenbon from your blog too! Love both the Harajuku lipgloss and the Gransenbon blushers – so pretty!
I found you thur a parenting list and also on CozyCot, iirc right? I love your reviews and a good friend behind this, I am a loyal reader abeit a silent one. ;P
i came across your blog through googling and i love your reviews!
I found your blog when I was googling for some beauty product reviews. The moment I saw how many posts you had, I immediately bookmarked and subscribed to it. Needless to say I adore the reviews.
Have a fabulous Xmas & New Year!
Discovered Makeup Stash whilst googling on makeup, was looking for a site that has tried out makeup and would be able to give good recommendations.
What I like about your site: The free giveaways!! But mostly its because of the value the site provides, the insights and the reviews of products, and the way each month, I’d get something fresh to read =)
Cheers, Merry Xmas to u and all readers!
Sorry, in previous post, I didnt state what I preferred, I would like to have the Steam Cream please, its revolutionary to try out, and something so raved about! If that’s run out, appreciate the DHC collagen cream too, the new brand in town!
I came to know Makeup Stash through CozyCot. In your blog, I can know what are the new skincare and makeup products ,which enables me to keep myself up-to-date and the review of each products is wonderfully helping me make my decision on buying which ones. Thumbs up for your blog!!
I discovered Makeupstash thru’ your good friend’s blog Rouge Deluxe. You, being a local blogger, can help me to obtain more updates regarding the makeup & beauty scene in Singapore
I know abt the site via Rouge Deluxe and been loving the site since then… esp the portions on reviews and latest comestics update.
I chanced upon Makeupstash through a friend’s website, where she blogged about the site. Out of curiosity and interest, i clicked on the site and i must say, i absolutely love the site. I love the free giveaways the most!
goodness! i’ve been following Makeup Stash so regularly i cant even remember life without it! haha!
thinking back, i probably i found makeup stash in june this year, while i was googling for “smokey eyes”. (i was team leader for a performance, and i needed to get aquainted with makeup tips/ tricks/ products FAST!)
**i learnt how to do smokes from your website! <3 **
ok, actually i learnt the application from youtube, but from all your eyeshadow reviews i leant what makes a GOOD eyeshadow, and what makes a GOOD smokey eye! and armed with that knowledge i went out to look for a palette and i LOVE the one i have now! :D (and it really works cos i've been getting compliments on my eyeshadows lately, and i've got people asking me to teach them how its done! and i couldnt have done it without you! whee!)
i remembered that when i found this site, i POURED over every past entry for all the product reviews! <3 loved that they weren't just magazine-type reviews (a friend in the industry complained that when she writes a review she can never write what she really thinks, cos it always needs to reflect well on the product). so to have a real person doing real reviews was really awesome.
i love how you write about what worked for you, what didnt work for you, what might work better, and just various Random Thoughts assosiated with the products. its like sitting down for lunch and gossiping about the latest stuffs — you never know when the extra knowledge would come in handy! :D
if you pick me, i would like the steam cream please! looks yummy! <3
Came to know your blog thru another local blogger. And I’m a fans at your facebook.
i found Makeupstash when i was googling on eyeshadows and saw the Pupa swatches you provided. This site is just so informative and useful to cosmetic and skincare lovers! I’ve bookmarked it! =)
I discovered your website via Rouge Deluxe and have since been reading your blog almost everyday to see if there’s any new updates on makeup & beauty. Tks for the recommendations/tips on makeup!
I actually got to know ur website while searching for information about Gransenbon blusher as i have bought this brand online without knowing the brand at all and thats when i get to know that there are rumours that gransenbon are coming to sg and how good the blushers are and i am so excited abt it and keep logging into ur blog to see if there is any news that confirm that gransenbon is really coming to sg =) thats when it becomes a habit for me to read and check out ur blog everyday and i really love ur blog as it always gives me the 1st hand news abt makeup so keep it up man *wink*
I learnt about makeupstash from your old LJ! I like it because it keeps me updated on the local beauty scene (what’s new, what collections are coming out etc). I’ve also picked up some cool tips from your blog like cleaning brushes with microfiber cloths!
I got to know about via Kimoko’s blog a while back. I love the reviews on the latest and newest cosmetics range. It’s every girl’s love! :)
I have been a fan of yours all the way from your older website ;). What I like most about Makeup Stash? It’s a Singaporean blog! I come here to find out the latest beauty brands that have arrived at our shores, where to get them, and how they work on Asian skin *in Singapore weather*. This really differentiates your blog from a lot of other beauty blogs out there. Intelligent writing, detailed reviews, great swatches and giveaway contests round up your blog’s appeal!
Got t know makeupstash thru CozyCot! (: Personal opinion, I find that makeupstash’s reviews are not bias& thus, trust-able. The giveaways are also what attracts me! (:
I remember when i first discovered your blog via kimoko’s beauty blog. I was really excited to have found another local beauty blog, which offers commentary on brands available locally, and where to find some of the harder to find products, like the GOSH eyeliners.
I do also love that you do review brands from overseas from time to time, so we local gals get a nice idea of what’s out there. Also, with more local blogs featuring overseas brands maybe the retailers would sit up, pay attention, and eventually bring those brands to our shores!
One thing that’s pretty unique about your blog i feel, is your perspective as a makeup artist. I think your experience with makeup products is evident in your detailed evaluation of the products you have tried. This helps us amateurs to learn more about makeup itself, and what to look out for in a product.
Another thing I like about your blog, is that there are more evaluative, review pieces than haul posts. After all, knowing what you’re hauling alone isnt the best way to find out about the products themselves, although occasionally when there are good deals coming along, it is great to find out about them when doing my twice weekly perusal of your blog. Instead, your in depth reviews are what keeps me coming back for more.
I do also love that you are very reader centric, and try your best to give your most honest unvarnished opinions, alongside sharing great deals and organizing reader giveaways like this one.
Additionally, your attention to photography also gives your blog a great appeal, as beauty junkies like me revel in being able to see for ourselves, true to colour swatches, and beautiful product pictures. These help me decide on whether or not i’d like to try out the item, and helps make me a more informed consumer.
All in all, your blog is pretty all rounded in terms of content, layout, photography and style, and I that is ultimately why i love it very much! Please dont stop blogging! =)
oh yes and if you pick me i’d love to try the steam cream! =)
i think i found this blog via kimoko’s blog! haha love to read all makeup and skincare related stuffs!! hee
Found Makeup stash! when seaching for local beauty website. Enjoy reading about your products review and beauty related write up. Keep up the good work!
Chanced upon your site whilst blog hopping. I like your reviews alot! You put the prices of the products and that helps when we are judging prices :D
thanks for sharing the great deals :D
its my first time visiting your blog, and my very first time commenting with the hope of ‘striking’ a giveaway!
stumbled here while browsing soap n’ sorbet’s FB page and boy, am I glad to have found this! i foresee in my future a great many hours spent poring over your articles and archives ;-)
the quality of your giveaway products are amazing, i’m almost hesitant to tell all my friends about you so that i can have a higher chance of getting something!
wat, you even hold makeup workshops? sign me up, pronto!! meanwhile i’m off to read yr posts. And lookout for me in yr email, i might drop a beauty question or two if i cant find the answers in yr webby.
steam cream for me pls, or if thats taken then the DHC collagen drink, cheers!
I chanced upon MakeupStash when googling for skincare products a year ago! Since then, I’ve been checking back now and then to read up about the latest products in the market. This site is really informative and up-to date! Good job! However, this is the first time I’m joining a contest!
I came to know about Makeup Stash via some other giveaway contest and have since been following your blog for its informative and interesting reviews and write-ups! Keep it up!
I don’t really remember why or how I stumbled upon Makeup Stash.. I think I was looking for makeup info in Singapore & I still follow this blog for that reason :) I love that you introduce to us new products I’ve never heard before.. like the steam cream! That sounds really interesting & the casing is pretty! :D